Pre Workout Du Jour!


LOL! No need to ever “detox” from the caffeine. There’s numerous research showing daily coffee / caffeine intake is not only ok, it’s actually good for you. If you want to break your dependance (“use”) of caffeine, that’s one thing, but by no means do you “need” to.


I really need to gain some better knowledge on caffeine so I can scientifically correct my mom when she claims “i’m addicted and it’s bad for me”, based on knowledge she gains from terrible television talk shows. I swear the best part about living on my own now is no longer hearing about how “terrible” supplements are for me, such as protein powder LOL.

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On the caffeine issue…It’s not unusual for me to start my day with Starbucks coffee and then over lunch a pre followed by my workout. So yes…I get it.


Oh, I’m ‘addicted’, I don’t even argue that. No point in lying… life without caffeine is simply less good.

I can and have quit, but why? At best, I tone it down to a couple cups of coffee a day, in line with the health benefits.

And now with a kid, yeah cycling off ain’t happenin for like…18 years?


At the end of the day… most of us are just a bunch of caffeine addicts with a knack for judging caffeinated powders by their flavors :slightly_smiling_face:

I was at around 2+ grams a day with ephedrine at one point… half I’m now at a modest 750-900mg :roll_eyes:


Huh. I knew it wasn’t bad for me, but I figured it wasn’t necessarily great either. If it’s beneficial tho, then fuck it, I’ll keep it up (at least until I stop being able to feel PWOs and have to re-sensitize myself…)

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Theanine as a stand alone is so highly rated by most nootropic people. I felt something…It gave me a little bit of energy, but also more of an ocd feeling without enough focus to merit anxiety increase. I’ve left the bottle alone for now. I probably take 300 caffeine a day.

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I know it’s enjoyed by many, but I don’t seem to get much of anything from it (aside from the dulled pre workout energy surge). I’ve had it in ATP Aspire (200mg dose) and not minded it, so maybe it’s got to be in a very particular ratio to caffeine for me personally or something?

That’s good to hear as I’m also a total war fan looking to try other products, thanks man!


@CJ be like:

^^ LOL just realized the thumbnail’s grammar leaves a little somethin to be desired! ha!


A whole lot of helps!

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@CJ must have been suffering from LBD (Low Blood DMAA) when he posted that. :laughing:

In other news, my order of Hi-Tech Pharm Off the Chain just arrived. 20 mg DMAA…good low dose for my first time trying it.


No problem at all. I was actually stoked when she said how much she liked it! Fingers crossed for another b1g1 sale on Re1gn during the holidays. Two new flavors are on the horizon that both sound/look amazing. :smiley:

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I was going to say…both forms of yohimbine, LAWDDDDD :joy:

I love seeing other people’s homemade pre. Sometimes, a simple cup of coffee with a little bit of either Teacrine or Theanine is all I need

All of the “helps”

Let’s bring this back to life in 2018

I’m cycling between the following

Quake 10.0
Nutrabio Pre Extreme V4
PreCre XS

What are you guys using this year?

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Total War (Old formula)
Kraken (Old formula)
PreCre XS

Looking to start:
Pre or PreExtreme from Nutrabio

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Oh boy
Transparent Labs Pre Bulk is en route
NutraBio Pre samples en route
Clash upset my stomach


Thoughts on (Purple) Reign ?

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