Pre Workout Du Jour!

Awesome, that was our release of the Reformulated Pre!

Let us know what you think :slight_smile:

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@SteelerBill13 That’s great news!!

Yeah let me know and I’ll help you out

I’ve been doing HemaV02 / Hemavol Lemon Drop + Glycofuse Lemon Ice + 200mg Caffeine. Seems to be doing well for me lately.

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Had my fiance try Re1gn for the first time this weekend. I had her start at 1 scoop (half serving) and she loved it. She claimed great focus, energy, mood enhancement, and “hasn’t felt a pre hit like this in a long time”. That’s coming from someone whose go-to is Total War. She already asked me “how much was this stuff?” lol

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Very happy with the new PRE formula…but can NB please remove the THEANINE, that’s got to be one of my least favorite pre workout ingredients ever. @Extrabeef

Why’s that? I find that a 1:1 caffeine:theanine ratio is really nice, you still get the energy and alertness from the caffeine, but your mental state is in a better place.

@Robert wants the the RAGE, not a peaceful state of mind :smiley:


Funny how supplements affect everyone differently. I don’t think theanine makes a lick of difference for me.

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@Robert I know you need all that energy RIGHT NOW but isn’t it better when it’s smooth and long lasting?


LOL, in all seriousness, I know theanine has some well documented nootropic benefits, I’ve just never felt the heightened focus or concentration from it when trying to solo or as part of several different nootropics / pre workout formulas.

It’s a minor qualm, but I’ll still use PRE if I have it on hand…theanine be damned!


Hahah…we see you :slight_smile:

I don’t know how you couldn’t agree with @Extrabeef …smooth and long last :wink: what else do you want haha!

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Are we still talking about Pre-Workout? lol

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Different strokes for different folks. @Extrabeef likes it smooth and long-lasting… I like it hard and right now!

this is going to end up bad…I can see it now

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Hahahaha…I think so :see_no_evil:


@Caribou I don’t find myself “overstimmed” by any doses of caffeine really. I’m naturally mentally alert and energy without stims, and use pre workouts, energy drinks, etc. only for training purposes (not to just go about my day and do work). So when I take a pre…I want it to hit with a certain intensity and fuel that drive through a workout. I’ve never really needed a “calm, controlled focus” kind of feeling for a workout.

Does that make sense?

Lol, I’m not alive unless I have 300mg of caffeine every 5 hours. Over-stimulation is hard for me to reach as well.

You related to @CJ or @Mike ?! LOL


Yeah, I always comment on CJs live feeds how I don’t feel so bad that I’m not alone taking in 900mg+ of caffeine per day hahaha

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Hey don’t lump me in with him. I’m at 450-500mg caffeine per day.

Now the two weeks after the baby was born, I was possibly approaching CJ levels… :electric_plug:

Definitely makes sense to me. If the alert/calm sensation is already your kind of “default,” I can certainly understand why you’d want something different out of a product you’re paying for.

Personally, I’m with CJ and Mike on the stim boat. Small doses of caffeine are fine to get me by (a serving of Off The Chain first thing in the morning + another one around 2 PM = :ok_hand: ), but I do actually require at least SOME every day, I’ve reached the point of dependency where I get almost flu-like symptoms if I go like 2-3 days without. I need to “detox” when I have a couple of weeks where I can just be dead… :frowning:

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