Liver and Kidney detox/health

After my competition this weekend I’m looking to really improve my liver/kidney health. I’m willing to look at detoxes (though I usually absolutely abhor that word…I might need a big reset button)

Who’s knowledgeable on liver and kidney health? I’m already supplementing TUDCA and NAC, and attempting to hydrate well

Do you mind telling us what you think was negatively impacting your liver and kidney health? (I totally understand if ya don’t)

I’ve been taking milk thistle for the past few years. I have no idea if it is doing anything, though…no doppelganger to compare with, haha.

For me, my main negative impacts are stress, hypertension, and wine :stuck_out_tongue:

I am overall a seriously unhealthy athlete. If you think of the normal diet of a heavyweight powerlifter (I bounce between 242 and 275) that’s me. I live with heartburn and high blood pressure, and but looking at a total in the mid 1700s this weekend and the only way i’ve found to diet for performance is to well, not diet.
I’ve signed on to RP diet to make some better diet choices but overall would like to improve my liver enzymes and kidney health :slight_smile:

I’ve been hypertensive since high school so I definitely get you there. I’m hoping that will come around with this commitment as well.

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Himalaya LiverCare is a very well researched product.

As for kidneys, lemon water is probably the best thing I could think of.

Yup, Hypertensive at least since college (if not high school), too! Hooray us :confused:, lol

As part of prep for my first bodybuilding competition, I’m tracking my changes in blood pressure (2x/day) and blood work (every ~45 days) as I go. I really want to see if everything involved with shredding is going to improve anything (posting and tracking all that here).

I am very interested to hear what you try and the results (or lack thereof). Please keep us posted!

I highly recommend getting periodic blood work. You can pay out of pocket without a doctor if you use a site like WalkInLab to create the referral. A lipid and CMP panel is only $45. Ideally I would also track CBC (which gets all your enzymes), but that is a bit more expensive.

Was looking over an old video from Dallas Mccarver where he talked about lemon water and apple cider vinegar. I love lemon water! not too crazy about the rest haha

My plan is to get post meet bloodwork, and then bloodwork at 45 days. Unfortunately in Jersey you have to go through a doctor

Well, “yes” you do. Same thing here in Texas. But check out They take care of the doctor referral and everything for you. $45 for Lipid and CMP, including doctor referral. Then you go to the blood work center (Quest or whatever), and hand them the paperwork from Walkinlab.

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Wow! that’s invaluable. I appreciate that info

As others have said lemon or lime water is great as long as it is freshly squeezed.

I have seen others do EVOO, water and lemon as well to almost coat the kidneys.

As for ACV, this is great for digestion and absorption but not sure about liver and kidneys

My suggestion is to eat more fruits/vegetables, slowly bump up the fiber, try to reduce things that are hard on the liver. If you are taking any “hardcore supplements” consider taking a break from them, or running lower doses.

taurine and curcumin

You could check out “cycle support” supplements. Blood pressure and liver health are generally the two main targets of those formulas. Beyond that, several years ago when looking for information on detoxification (I assume, it’s been a while) I found an old post on the forums by NO HYPE. Not 100% sure why I saved it, but perhaps you’ll find it useful.

“Within the body, glutathione is our primary immunoprotective/hepatoprotective mechanism wich dramatically assists the body in the defense against sickness, inflammation, free radical-induced oxidative damage, DNA mutation, neurotoxicity, peroxynitrite toxification, cell apoptosis, lipid peroxidation, ect.

Detoxification of the liver (and subsequently the body) occurs via the glutathione-mediated detoxification pathways wich consist of two phases. The first phase (the P450 oxidase enzyme pathway), works much more efficiently when supplemental antioxidants are administered to prevent the excessive cytochrome P450-induced, free radical cell damage. This can effectively be achieved with the more substantial polyphenol antioxidants found within grape seed extract/resveratrol (wich have been found to effectively inhibit one of the main mediator pro-inflammatory molecules called peroxynitrite), N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC), ALA (Alpha-Lipoic Acid), Coenzyme Q10/Idebenone, oleuropein, curcumin, selenium, vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, melatonin, ect.

The second phase (the glutathione conjugation pathway), works much more efficiently when supplemental thiol nutrients are administered to up-regulate glutathione production. NAC, Silymarin, and ALA (preferably RLA/R-DHLA) have scientific evidence indicating significant rises in intracellular glutathione concentrations, following oral administration.

Also, the combination of digestive enzymes and probiotics when administered systemically (enterically coated/on an empty stomach), are an excellent way to not only significantly reduce fibrin-induced inflammatory responses, but are also an effective approach to blood purification.

When administered regularly, these combined nutrients help to initiate a state of maintained physiological homeostasis. The continued use of these nutrients can significantly improve one’s health and subsequently, their way of life overall.”

That’s the full post as I recall.

Wow, this is very interesting. For some time now, I’ve wanted to look into intravenous glutathione as everything I’ve seen showed this to be an incredible treatment. But time getting to a clinic and paying for it has deterred me sadly. I’ll look into these, thanks!

Maybe offtopic, but perhaps change your carb sources up a bit? I’ve never once gotten heartburn from yams and rice. Wheat, on the other hand…

Definitely an aspect to it is the dirty-ness of my diet. With the RP diet I’ll have a very low wheat level

Look at a more non inflammatory diet. Less grains, more veggies particularly green leafy, cruciferous etc. Meat is fine but limit dairy products outside of yogurt, kefir.

ALA, NAC, TUDCA, D3 all help but hydration, electrolytes, normal protein intake would all be beneficial.

Call me a hippie but I’m getting the majority of my greens from the local farmer’s market, there’s a popular organic farm out here. Been feeling a lot better.

Brussel sprout greens survived the freeze (they’re hearty) and I like them better than collards now


Nothing wrong with where you get your veggies as long as you eat them :slight_smile:

I eat probably 5-6 servings daily myself.

Kale every day crew.

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