Getting started with Keto

I only do it on days I don’t lift, generally if I’m going to be having a big meal that evening, but nothing regimental. The general consensus is to avoid OMAD when bulking. FWIW, folks have reported success bulking with IF (e.g. 16/8 or 18/6). I suspect OMAD would be perfect for shredding, though.

what is omad?

One Meal A Day


Yeah, my BF% had gotten way too high. I needs to melt the muffin top away. Same jeans that were falling off my ass last August barely fit now. The holiday season is hell, LMAO…

Can you or someone help me understand that Russian​:joy::joy: I’m conufused by how to understand this calculation

Quick question, is it normal for me to be so sluggish? I feel up and down, maybe 5 minute bursts of energy, but then drooped down… 4/7 days of my first week, I was just eating meats, occasionally a 0 carb whey shake, but then around day 5, I drank double tap- half a serving, day 6 1 and a half servings.

The Nutritional value is there, in case anyone knows that something in there ruined me, Haha.

Probably experiencing “keto flu”, which can happen to some folks on their first week. Keep your electrolytes up, particularly your potassium and magnesium, especially on the first week. That normally fixes it for folks. Either way, it will pass.


Nootropics: yay or nay when going Keto/ Carbivor ?

You are way over-thinking it, man. Don’t worry about it.

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Could be, but I asked this because I saw a deal on something from my protein and thought to ask before buying a potential deterimental item( due to the diet).

10 bucks with 1 dollar free shipping, but again, if this will just hurt my diet… it’s why I asked.

How many mg do you recommend in pill form?

You can do some quick research, or just pick up a container of Ultima power. I recommend grape flavor. 1-2 servings per day should do the trick.

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So I’m trying to get lean through low carb. I hear keto/ carnivor will do the trick if done right. But phase 2 for me is staying lean and putting on muscle pounds. How do I do that?


Or lots and lots of time and consistency.

But the realistic answer is steroids.


A good way to start out is find your maintenance calories. Once you have that number, decide on the macro split that you would like to follow. Focus on protein and fats first, then add in carbs as desired or more fats/protein to hit your calorie goal. Reduce calories by around 250 to 500 until you stop losing weight. Then reduce calories again by the same number until you stop losing weight and so on. Try to keep protein intake consistent the entire time, especially when reducing calories.

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Thanks Devin. I’ll do some calculations today at lunch, gotta get back to work but this is good to hear.

Increased red meat is magical for me. Problem for me is consistency and training intensity (recent shoulder injury came back, feeling good finally).

Watch what happens when you shift calories closer to 1.5-2lbs of meat per day. I like to keep a roast/brisket, a ground beef dish (or burger), and steak on the ready. That keeps it diverse. Vegetables and olives and stuff like that for garnish. Best I’d ever felt.


Thanks Mike. Quick question> The Wife wants to start lo carb/ Keto. She told about this proudct… anyone use it or girlfriend/WIfe use it?

Why does she think she need collagen to do keto?