This "Labz" Brand Epidemic is Reaching Critical Levelz

No we sent the product and he received it. He may be busy, taking time to editing his video, or trying to do a good job on his written review. Not really sure why he hasn’t posted about it BUT He doesn’t seem like the type to NOT give us his opinion ( GOOD or BAD ) lol I bet he likes it… although I can’t confirm as I haven’t been in contact with him. I look forward to hearing his thoughts about it :slight_smile:

No, I just have trouble recording stuff and not going “I need another take this one is shit”

Got one that is ok and i have basically told myself I have until the end of this day to edit it and make it look nice before I just have to post it.

Yep, Thanks for understanding :stuck_out_tongue:

He is correct, I have a good few criticisms but I like the product itself.

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On a side note windows movie maker is a bitch to use.

Later edit
Video is done, just wanted to give CL a chance to respond to a couple of questions I raised in the video.

Ohh boy, if that’s what you’re using it’s going to be a while lol

You have incredible timing.
It was fairly minimal editing, so its pretty much done, but I want to give @chaoticlabz a chance to respond to some of my questions before I upload it.(I asked via Instagram)


I wouldn’t have been likely to try their products in the past regardless but after the absolutely incredible meltdown in this thread i’ll be sure they never get a cent of my money. Unbelievable.

Review is up @chaoticlabz

TBH I found it to be kind of hilarious, but I have a high tolerance for that kind of thing.

Thank you very much for taking the time to Use, Experience, Take Notes, and Review our product!! I will take your point deductions constructively and strongly consider implementing your critiques in future packaging design. I really appreciate you being honest and fair with your analysis.

You know where and how to reach us and we are always open to opinions and ideas. I appreciate your ingredient suggestion as that’s what we are in business to do… Satisfy YOU the consumer!! We may come off a little abrasive to some, but I assure you that it is only because we are passionate about our company and what we do. We may not be for everyone but for the those who appreciate higher end formulas, identify with a little darkness, and don’t mind paying for a premium product… WE ARE FOR YOU!! :slight_smile:

Thanks again Christian…

Yeah, I think I’ve been terminally online for so long that weird internet tough guy stuff is just an instant turn-off for me, especially when coming from a company representative.

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Yeah, same here. It sells to the dudebros tho.

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Oh my, now they have a hashtag series!!

This comedy just writes itself!


“Insane Labz mystery yellow series will have fully disclosed labels” according to Stack3d

i have no issue with this, let’s see what the label looks like.


I keep hearing about “fully disclosed” lines and all I see is non-proprietary. Hoping these guys do it right

Their “Sin” product doesn’t look bad either.

It depends on the definition of fully disclosed, I haven’t seen a company with completely fully disclosed yet

In the products they do disclose they have a couple of good ones, mainly due to the high dose of citicoline. Their website has a bad habit of not actuly showing the supplement facts though.

I question the DHEA though.

The definition of fully disclosed is all active and inactive ingredients being disclosed. NutraBio has been doing this for years!

Non-proprietary would be the closest thing, having active ingredients disclosed but still the “other ingredients” set up as a proprietary blend, leaving the consumer in the dark on how much flavor, sweetener, emulsifier, filler is used.


Wouldn’t the contents of the “natural/artificial flavors” be an inactive ingredient?
Its also technically a blend, that is only known to select people.

I understand the reasons for not releasing that info but I am still going to nitpick it.

It’s definitely inactive, and the dose is listed out to you

But it is still in a blend under the heading “Natural/artificial flavors”, the amount of the blend is disclosed but not what or how much of each ingredient is in said blend.

How are they gonna tweet about it? ##??

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