This "Labz" Brand Epidemic is Reaching Critical Levelz

I can dm on your behave if you want, I have it I just don’t use it.

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@Mike I am willing to disclose where exactly our products are being made to YOU personally as these are trade secrets (and you may call and personally verify) BUT you have to agree not to tell everyone the intricate details about our production methods. Deal?

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Great PR. Have a good day and take care.


@Mike what is a good number to reach you at?

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I’ll buzz you later, about to rock an interview

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That should be fine. I’d like confirmation from him on this first though.

I’ll tell you they already responded to the DM I sent them on IG

And they’ve already got it packaged up! Looking forward to trying whatever I get, expect a review in a few days

Not everyone will love the method, but got to respect the fact they came back here and seem to be standing behind their products. Looking forward to reading what comes out of the talk with the priceplow guys


Absolutely agreed!

I think most people that know me know that I’m not some kind of maniac who would ever “hate all of anything”. I like to poke fun at stuff and the word Labz is more than deserving. The article obviously had a certain flair of satire to it.

I like 'Merica Labz as it is, and just have no experience with Chaotic Labz. I love how they came in here, willing to check it out, but it still seems a bit Labzy :wink:

Hope you guys do talk and they back up their claims. You guys have a great reputation and they should feel comfortable you will give them a fair shake. There’s always NDA’s lol

Professionalism at it’s finest ITT


You spelled autism wrong


Don’t you dare withdraw that gem of a comment


Hilariousssss :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

Axiz Labz

Mind Blown :exploding_head:

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Yep, you guys goofed. Should of gone with Labz lol

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Well this thread got interesante :eyes::hotdog:


Well the first of our products that we sent out (BRAVE) has been reviewed. Now just waiting on the other one (HYPNOTIC)!

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This dude @chaoticlabz never sent you the Hypnotic or did it suck?