8 posts were split to a new topic: Robert’s Stimulant-Free Nootropic Stack with SNS
Agreed, stimulants of any kind should be top priority when it comes to proper dosing.
That’s a bit of a stretch. Just saying it has the same feel doesn’t mean it’s in the same league. That’s like saying something like Valerian or GABA should be regulated because some people find they improve sleep as well as prescription grade stuff.
Not sure what your definition of natural is, but DMHA is found in the Kigelia Africana plant (hope I spelled that correctly). So to me it’s as “natural” as valerian. If you’re suggesting that it’s not because a majority of what’s found in supplements is made synthetically, you should probably figure out the sources of your supplemental caffeine and vitamin C. The likelihood of those being “natural” is pretty low. Caffeine could also “overstimulate” the CNS. And literally anything could be “abused”. I have no idea what you’re getting at.
No offense, but you should probably brush up on your reading comprehension skills. Did I say it shouldn’t be regulated?
This is the only place I had a problem. You claim it should be regulated based on “feel”.
I never said impossible. However, I will admit that I said specifically “your”, which was poor choice of wording on my part.
Anyway, I don’t disagree with everything you say, but it seems we just have different opinions.
@Matt_Towson Your argument isn’t cohesive, it’s poorly presented, and as (probably not) a lawyer you should feel bad.
@Jeremy You had far more respect than I would have in a ridiculous exchange like that. You made some good points and I hope you might let me make a suggestion. I don’t think it’s worth engaging people like that who have half-formed opinions that lack a basis in fact. People like that develop opinions based on gut reactions and, in my experience, don’t change them based on logic or evidence.
This is where it went wrong. It sounds like you’re ready and willing to have an intellectual conversation about it, but lawyer boy has shown himself incapable of that. You know the answer to this question, and so does anybody else who can read.
Sorry this gets me going. I hate false analogy and emotional appeal as the basis of an argument.
This has been taken out of context. “Lawyer Boy” has respectfully withdrawn. I will gladly continue this debate via personal messaging with either of you, to respect the other members not involved.
Agreed, and I apologize if reading any portion of my post came across as an initiation to argue. I hold you and every other person’s opinion with absolute respect. Forums can get heated if we do not know the “tone” that the message was intended to be delivered with.