NEW 100mg DYNAMINE CRAZY STIM UPDATE :flushed::flushed::flushed:

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Beautiful. I love it


Here’s a fun one with 300mg PEA. Anyone tried?

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Just hopped in… there’s definitely a niche for sub-200mg caffeine pre workouts, especially with the extra ‘fun’ stuff added


Tbh I’m finding myself drifting away from “higher” caffeine amounts unless they’re absurdly high.

Like, I’ve done 2 Hyde Power Potions (700mg) before an important class I was really not alert enough for, and I could see time molecules and it was pretty awesome, but 350-450mg “hardcore” pres just make me sleepy now.

On the flipside, go even lower to 100-200mg and it perks me up just enough to shake off the bleh feeling of a normal day. A regular C4 energy drink (blue bombsicle is the GOAT shoutout to my mans @TheSolution for steering me right) gave me one of the best feeling workouts of any pre I’ve used recently. Just nice.


For sure…there’s good marketing currently for it considering a study showed that an average of 250mg of caffeine decreased cerebral blood flow by around 27% while exercising

I’ve been looking to send some to you, CJ and Matt…

Would that be possible?

And which version would you be looking to get/more excited for?

I may order another batch for the stronger version this way you guys can try both if you decide.

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This is one of those cases where you can have too much but never too little lol

I believe the 150-200mg range is the sweet spot for most avid stim users given the other ingredients…

Interesting that the C4 gets you going…not to say it doesn’t

I just despise Cellucor so much lol

i saw a review of that…looks eh but the Pea holy jesus lol

I feel like it’s starting to make it’s way back in

And the review was good of it

It isnt too expensive either considering

I like how they added the higenamine also,

Overall a lot better product than majority of whats out there currently. smh lol

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How do you feel though?

Do you notice irritability comes faster?

OR just elevated slowly dipping healthy mood?

That’s very interesting.


Agreed, mostly underdosed stuff. High PEA’s with pixie-dusted other stuff

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As someone who is generally irritable when not taking anything, I’d say it helps alleviate that. However, at 275 mg, I don’t feel much different than just taking 75 mg (just Radiate by itself); so there’s probably depleting returns on increased dosage…at least on me.

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Hey brother!

So I made the instagram for the company…The website will be launching this weekend

If you could spread the word/follow I would greatly appreciate it! This way you can stay in the loop

This goes to everyone in the post as well : )


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Dropped a follow. I’ll let my gym bros and teammates know

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You’re the man!

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Any update on samples?

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I paid for a tub of the blueberry lemonade so I didn’t have to drop another couple hundos

The taste is even better than before, my dad and buddies are loving this so much more than my original

I just got it yesterday so still need some more feedback but I’m going to go into production with this version either way

I went to the gym and had my dad do arms…he has a decent amount of bodyfat but his veins were popping LOL!

He took Hyde (original) today to compare and hated it lol

The energy is still so smooth and the pumps are just freakin ridiculous that I’ve seen

My buddy said it blew the old one away and that the surge and endurance he got from the product was 1000000x better…this week is his strength week and said yesterday was his best workout he’s had. He is supposed to take a 3 minute rest in between sets but couldn’t wait that long lol.
No crash and he went freakin hard but wasn’t dead after as he usually is.

Once people pre order and I get a lot into production i will send samples to priceplow etc and $10 tubs to price plow members that have responded in the forum and making of my product.

I am very happy with this version and seeing this doing very well.

There’s a happy medium and it lasts the whole day without the speedy unnatural feeling…

So lucky to have come across everyone in this forum.


Oh snap :0


Personally, I would attribute the new awesomeness to the full Vaso-6 dose. Crazy stuff

We are more than happy to help out my guy!

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Yes please!