DaSlays Log of Samples

Mid-workout emergency toilet trips are never good.

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Got home the other day with another hook-up from @TheSolution Best customer service ever! Thank you buddy!


I miss the sample posts…brings me back to the day’s when I actually could travel for work…Love it.


Tried this combo today… lets see


Taste - The Alien Pop was so good, it was a nice lime flavor i really enjoyed it
Effect - Holy hell…bottom line up front too much stim for me. Directions say take 45-60 minutes prior to workout. Uhh 15 minutes in the Beta Alanine got all up in me…which is nuts cause normally i barely feel it, but that says some nice absorption. So insane stims, way to amped up, just too much. I imagine half to a 3/4 scoop would be great but hard to do with a sample. Got to the point of over stim where my hand was insanely shaking and i almost felt sick working out. I had a great lift though, reminded me of a full dose of C4 Dynasty. So if you get this start lower cause the absorption rate is so good on this, it hits hard… interesitng. I did not hate it just next time maybe i won’t start full dose!

Plasm Surge
Taste - I had the apple and it was fucking terrible. Reminded me of a bad mixed drink in the bar i can not place but almost made me ill, so sorry guys that is a no go.

Effect - It was not immediate. I did an arms day which consisted of 4 super sets of bis and tris. The first two went by and i thought, weird. That third set it hit hard and shit I was pumped. Pic below. Good there.

With the stack I pushed a great workout, the stims were high just too much for me but not enough for me to say hate it. I say be careful with it. I bet you half a scoop with that absorption would be amazing! A few hours later in a bar watching the Steelers Game both my arms had muscle spasms, meaning I pushed it hard. Something I have not felt in a while. And the girl I work out with, yah she loved the pump.

My pump

So call me indifferent on this… if i had a tub of specimen I would dose it different, and wish i had a better flavor of the Plasm. But again, gotta say, not bad products

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You get hit with any niacin flush along with the BA?

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I normally don’t. Very slight on this one. The BA was so prevalent it was crazy. So lots of good points here just gotta be smarter on dosing

This is a bit late, but wanted to give a big shout out and thank you to @Devin_Foley for sending me Genius Mushroom to try out. Given that I travel a lot he sent me this in hopes it will help keep me healthy, so thank you very much!

I was waiting to finish my Ashwagandha (which was today) before starting this so I can see all the effects including mood. I will start this bad boy tomorrow, and am curious as I prob would never try something like this out on my own.

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Another shout out here, another insane hook up from @TheSolution. We have done a lot of business (meaning I get amazing deals) together, so he gave me a nice hook up for my travels as well! Thank you Bob as always, truly a gentleman and a scholar!

I gotta say everyone on this site is truly amazing. I learn something almost daily, and I never expect a thing, nor would I ask, but you guys keep sending me stuff and I am humbled. I never take these things for granted. Thank you!!


Gotta take care of my Yinz


Decided to give this a whirl today… the Peach Rings flavor was just okay, especially if you have tried the Peach Rings Fuel flavor this will just disappoint you. Energy wise it took about 45 minutes to hit me, but then it had that slight over stim feeling, not quite insane but hands shaking and slightly cracked out. After about an hour of taking this I finally had a nice burst of energy for about 10 minutes, and then it went away. So yeah nothing great here, definitely a pass for me.

I had a great pump today but likely due to the many Super Sets in my arms workout. Inspired has not made anything that I have enjoyed in my experience and this did not change my mind. I do not recommend.


You had me at Steelers troll

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The only good type of “trolling” on the internet


Been trying out different Bang flavors on the road, so wanted to toss in my thoughts.

Radical Skadattle (Spelling): This by far is my favorite Bang flavor. They really nail the flavor of Skittles and being that I love skittles so much this makes me very happy. I found this when I was in Utah in Aug and Sep, and re-confirmed it again yesterday here in Charlotte. Good stuff and my go to flavor when on the road for work.

Key Lime Pie: Gave this a whirl the other day and this really surprised me. I thought it was going to be too sweet and was hesitant to try it, but damn the flavor had a perfect key lime pie flavor with crust and all. I don’t think I could drink this fast (which I never do) or too often, but an every now and again treat this is a must try.

Candy Apple Crisp: I did not care for this at all. Had a small hint of Apple, almost apple juice like taste, but then I did not care for after taste. Reminds me of a bad version of apple juice and I would not try again.

The one good thing about my contract work is days range from 4 hour to 12 hour days, so snagging an energy drink while driving around a lot is a must for me. I like to save my favorites for when I am home (i.e C4, Ghost, and now 3D Green). Good Stuff.

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if you like sweet things – cotton candy and birthday cake (Tastes just like frosting)
If you prefer denser flavors – purple haze, sour heads, and cherry blade lemonade.

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Yup tried the Cotton Candy and Birthday Cake. Cotton Candy was good but prefer the C4 version. The Birthday Cake was way to sweet for me. Purple Haze and Sour heads are great, I will have to check out the Cherry Blade Lemonade next!

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Cherry Blade is my all-time favorite from them.

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Bob ran a giveaway on his IG for Ghost on their holidays specials and I won some of his baked goods. Finally got to see what Chef Bob was all about and I can say so far the brownies are damn good! Delicious stuff and thank you @TheSolution you truly are a chef!!


Yes Sir! Thank you for the support. Enjoy

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Thank you too @TheSolution for this Ghost Care Package today… the benefits of having a Ghost rep that lives close by!! I will put these to good use when I head to Utah for a month this Sunday


Enjoy now you can try every flavor of the ghost lineup!

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