Given that this was my first day of trying this volume on for size, I was barely cognitive by the end of the session. I did a bit of decline chest press machine and got the fuck outta there.
Each of these was done with a full pause, slow eccentric, and varied grip widths (my usual is index-on-rings, which I opened with 2 sets of, then 2 sets of middles-on-rings, 2 sets of rings-on-rings, 2 sets of pinkies-on-rings, and finally 2 sets back at max grip). The first 5 were easy. The last five had me wheezing. 60 second rest periods are hard.
Oh, and I also did a set of 10-15 band pullaparts or disclocates or facepulls between every set. HEALTHY SHOULDERSSSS
The BB-style circuit done at the end of upper body days is pretty straightforward. I pick a bicep exercise (which are always Mountain Dog Meadows’ cross-body hammer curls, love them), a tricep exercise, and a delt exercise (I alternate between lateral raises and front raises), pick a weight for each that I can reasonably hit for a strict 12, and do as many as possible for each, then start back over, 3 total giant sets. There’s no rest in between sets, and they usually go something like 16 > 12 > 8.
I haven’t done cleans in over a year, and was never really taught to do them properly to begin with, my technique is really bad. Nonetheless, it gets me explosively extending my hips, so it serves its purpose.
Called it off at that awkward cutoff in my Good Mornings, not from fatigue, but because my sacral spine started feeling Weird. Given the fatigue that I knew my low back was experiencing from 10 working sets of DLs, I wasn’t about to play around and see what would happen, I re-racked mid set and walked outta there.
My rows earlier in the week were nice, strict bilateral Hammer Strength rows. Not this day. This day I did heavy DB Kroc rows. I let my form get sloppy. I used body english. I was wearing figure-8 straps so that when my grip gave out (around rep#12 if you’re curious) I couldn’t actually let go, I had to keep repping it out until I couldn’t move my arm any more.
My lats are still absolutely fried.