My bad man, wasn’t trying to hijack the thread. Was just wondering what thermo suppz Chris is used to taking for a comparative.
Day 8
Light training, still not able to go to the gym.
Day 9
Again light training, cardio this time, my mom got home from hawaii and we went shopping, today essentially turned into a cheat day as I started to eat a moderately small tub of haagen dazs and forgot to stop. It was not moderately small in calories
Day 10
Ended up having a monster in the morning instead of 212, it was kind of meh(the gronk version).
Later on I did some more lifting and begrudgingly tried out “redrum”.
The flavor (devil’s blood) was good, kind of a candy flavor. I’m guessing that is one of the reasons they seem to be moderately successful.
I’m not certain but I think its making me feel sick, don’t feel great right now and I am thinking it might have something to do with that.
I’ll likely find out if I can bring myself to trying out “i am god”, which for some reason has math formulas on the packet and is definitely under dosing the betaine.
Hypnotic still hasn’t arrived because USPS is scared of our dog, but fedex fears no death(and the delivered the other package).
It should come tomorrow since they took the note.
In terms of sweating I’m guessing its caused mainly by the GBB, as I’ve tried capsimax and paradoxine with not as much sweating/thermo in other products. The diuretics in 212 might play a role in amplifying it though.
Paradoxine at least at all the doses I’ve had has not been especially potent(thermicly), which is a bit of a shame.
On a side note I wish I had the resources to go and test supplements on groups of people, I’m curious how effective some of them actuly are.
I’m currently having it without the cinnamon and I really see what you mean, its kind of gross like this.
Day 11/12
Good bit of fasted cardio with 212 and Y
I can also conclude insane lab’s preworkouts make me feel sick
I think I may have the days confused now
Tried out hypnotic, It suggest 20-30 oz of water, I think this is intended for double/triple scooping it as the flavor is very light at even 20 oz, It taste pretty decent so far but I took it too early to really get to sleep so I can’t speak on its effects there. Trying it out a bit more before I review it.
Day 13
My blood flow restriction bands broke but the company is willing to replace them free of charge, which is nice.
I have a bottle of OL Alpha Y coming in a few days, going to test that one out and see how it compares to plain Y.
We also did our weekly shopping trip and I picked up “Mission carb balance” tortillas which have 26 grams of fiber for each one, which is impressive. They do have
a bit of hydrolyzed soybean oil and gluten but I am willing to put up with it for that much fiber.
Likely going to try hypnotic again tonight, I will give chaotic labz credit they seem like a very solid company that actuly cares about the consumer from my chats with them.
What brand of Y are you using? Do you use a different product daily?
Normal Y I use a old bag of powder city stuff that I still have, bought two grams of it back in the day and still have it.
Speaking of, I thought they folded but still see their site is live…ever try bulk powder…they are a similar site
They got bought out and the site now belongs to a shady company to my understanding.
Interesting, anywhere else you recommend to get raw powders
Day 14-18, I spaced out and forgot to post
Cardio and lifting, not too much to share, still waiting on more BFRT bands which has kind of stalled training.
For anyone who is wondering since the start of this long I’ve done ~34 miles of cardio at a 5 resistance.
I got the bottle of Olympus labs rauwolscine and tried it a few times
One of the capsule in the bottle was broken which was annoying but the 89 rest were there.
Not sure what makes me feel sick in insane labs preworkouts since I took 6 mg alpha Y with 500 mg caffeine and only felt moderately anxious.
Now truth be told the bitter undertone has kind of been getting to me and I haven’t been taking 212 regularly, I think the flavor needs work at this point.
Finally I ended up trying to make the watermelon bubblegum flavor in quake 10 taste better and managed to add way too much citric acid, making it undrinkable, so I try to balance it out first with arginine, next with baking soda, forgetting the volcano effect, resulting in a huge mess…
Bulk supplements if you are buying in bulk, even if their prices are kind of bad.
Sadly powder city back in the day was pretty much the best place to get stuff and it got sued and had to close down.
Day 19
Did a fairly intense workout with a full serving of quake 10.0 and peak atp, it was good, sore afterwords though
Also ended up eating more icecream then I should have as they had a great deal on a small tub of haggendaws
Day 20
Did some research on yomhimbe and found it has a rather short half life, so I am going to experiment with redosing it between meals
I also ended up getting a package from @Mike containing 2 preworkouts and amino IV, some samples from @customshopkv1, and some replacement BFR bands all on the same day, Not sure which to try out first, feel free to give a vote as I am excited to try all of them.
Thanks to both of them for the awesome packages
Also thanks mike for sending me a good preworkout in case the other one isn’t
Which is what I’m guessing the logic was.
And again to custom for sending me samples of stuff that is basically the holy grail nowadays.
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts. Personally Meso tweeks me out too much. Guess I’m a wuss
I seem to be tolerant of drugs in general, which seems nice until the dentist is trying to numb you for the 6th time.
Looking forward to trying it, I love green apple flavors
Edge of Insanity… Eek!
Trying it now, the flavor is kind of like drinking fruit punch though a sock, not a fan.
I got the new version, without any unknown possibly illegal soviet area stimulants, but apparently a shitton of alpha Y(5 mg) and “isopropylnorsynephrine”. It looks like a great fan burner, but it has amino acids with the Yomhimbe so I’m not sure how it plays out yet.
Took a full scoop with no other stimulants and its not actuly that bad, its a bit more intense then I personally like, and doesn’t really have a great feel(I get a high stim but little energy feel), its nowhere near the level of “fuck your shit up” I got from CJ and Robert’s review.
That said it does really raise the heart beat, measured 130 BPM after some moderate cardio and that was only 3/4 of the way through, ~100 resting, I’ll have to get a baseline to compare it better.
I think CJ and @Robert are Yomhimbe sensitive, as every time I see them review a high Y product they have a bad reaction.
That’s a good way of putting it. Except mine was cotton candy, not fruit punch. The aftertaste was good for me, but actually having it my mouth was awful.
That was also similar for me. It made my heart pound but I never got the “it’s go time” feel I get from good preworkouts. Felt tired through workouts also.
Day 22
Just had a bang and some alpha y, didn’t feel like anything overly intense.
Was fasting the previous 2 days, ended up breaking it, starting to actuly see some results, arms look much leaner/defined
Day 23
Trying out mesomorph green apple, flavor is meh, and it has 4 grams BA apparently, which annoys me, as I thought it had more pump ingredients.
I also had a bang earlier, mango peach, I meant to get root beer but the color is nearly identical and I picked the wrong one…
Another decent work out, can’t say I really noticed the DMAA, which is weird, I’l try it again in a few days maybe.