So to make this brief/easy I am going to make the first post short I am going to hawaii in 40 day to visit my dad/brother for a while, With this in mind I am going to try to get in as good of a shape as possible.
Now the main supplements I am going to be taking are
Recomp RX every day.
Quake 10.0 or endorush on lifting days.
212 on cardio/other days when it gets here, depending on the feel I may stack it with yohimbe HCL. Hope they don’t mind it being part of this log(if you do message me and I can do it separate)
I will give my opinion on each thing when it is relivant
Day 1, had a bang energy drink and started the first dose of recomp rx as I realized I would be leaving in 40 days
Recomp RX is interesting, its taking a promising ingredient that suffers from poor bioavailablity and adding an delivery system to it. I am not going to get my hopes up too much as the last BSL product I tried did not live up to the hype/research.
Day 2
Training day, went to the gym with my mom, had previously canceled the member ship as I couldn’t go enough to really justify the monthly cost, can’t really do squats/deadlifts properly yet due to poor ankle mobility(which I have slowly been improving) and the policy of requiring shoes to be worn made things difficult(the width of my feet make shoes hard to find and uncomfortable), but am considering starting it up for the month.
Exercises focused on upper body and included, lat pull downs, triceps pull downs, triceps cable cross, several misc forearm exercises that I don’t know the name of, and of course curls.
All were done with Blood flow restriction bands for high reps, Don’t quite have a full opinion on BLR training but it gives good pumps and seems to be giving me good results.
Day 3, Mainly rested as I was sore from the day before, some light cardio. Won’t be able to go to the gym for a few days due to unrelated reasons
Day 4, cardio and a good deal of it, Also pro tip, add cinnamon to your protein shake, it makes most flavors taste better, other pro tip, do not try to mix blue raspberry creatine in with cookies and cream protein powder, it is in fact strong enough to make it taste really weird.
Day 5
A few things came in the mail, one of them being 212
I told them to basically surprise me, they sent me the green apple flavor, but it’s currently too late to take it so I will be trying it tomorrow.
I’m guessing there was either miscommunication, or I am owed a tub of precre XS and post pro

Also a picture of every other thing I am going to be taking
Most of this I got on big promotional sales
Green tea extract I paid full price for but it was reasonably cheap
Genius test was the cheapest way of trying out KSM-66 at the time(80% off) and it has some good ingredients which stack well with GTE.
Endorush was a gift from my girlfriend
Quake 10.0 is my current main preworkout due to the formula(15$)
212 I already covered, I got in exchange for a 10 day log, haven’t tried yet
Genius sleep aid, its alright but there are much better product for much cheaper at full price(80% off)
Naringin, full price but was reasonable, not entirely certain if its doing anything
PEAK sx-7, PEAK ATP with longjack, was 10$ and decided to try it. Going to be taking it on lifting days.
Genius burn, interesting blend of nootropics and thermogenics(80% off)
Recomp RX already covered.
Fucoxanthin, I am honestly wondering if it is legitimate, best I can tell all of their supplements at least match what they should look/taste like inside the capsules but they have suspiciously good prices, paypaled both purchases made.
Alpha isolate, haven’t tried yet but it was 10$
Berbine, 2 for 2$, at full price it looks decidedly meh, and it is misleadingly marketed
Fish oil, forget how much it was but was a decent deal. Annoyingly it also does the 2 capsules=1 serving but we imply in marketing that 1 capsule= 1 serving.