PROMO - Nutrabio Natural PRE & Intra Blast Beta Testing

Nutrabio Natural
PRE & Intra Blast

Beta Samples
You will receive one beta tub of a flavor for each product and a packet of the other flavor for each product.

I have 25 Beta Samples to give out

You will receive both all flavors

Green Apple
Sweet Tea

Intra Blast
Kiwi Strawberry
Sweet Tea

The Difference
All flavoring, sweeteners, and colors are 100% Natural.
Removing sucralose, replacing it with non bitter stevia
On PRE we removed a caffeine source and replaced it with
Green Coffee Bean for a natural energy source.

And like all NutraBio products, we use no artificial dyes or colors,
they are NON GMO, Vegetarian Kosher, have No fillers or excipients,
No proprietary blends, full dosages, and full label transparency…

The taste has many are saying, taste better than our regular products!

How to Enter
Tell me how you will benefit from a more natural ingredient product and less chemicals.

MUST Post a Forum Review - and Discuss the Flavor, Experience, Effects and anything else you notice.
Age: 18+


I personally am like Mike in that I tend to have adverse reactions to certain artificial colors. Mainly Red Dye 40 and Blue 1 are the issues. Both tend to make me dizzy which was something that took me awhile to figure out, turns out it was my muscletech next gen aminos

Benefit? As a man that is turning 50 this year (yes I know I look like I’m much much younger, ahem) it would bring me closer to looking like Kon Rock. Now of course I would require the ‘this will eventually be used to wash the car’ ripped tank top and I’m golden. (And considering I’ll be in Vegas in May imagine the heads turning while at the pool)

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Never a bad idea to suck up to the person handing out the samples :wink:

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Hahaha…someone has the idea :wink:

Awesome guys, these are phenomenal and you will love them!!!

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I mean here’s the thing. I am constantly (and I’m guessing no different than anyone on the site) looking for that ‘edge’. I religiously watch the NFL Combine for new training methods…

New compression gear? How soon can can I get it?
Nike has new Metcon’s? Sign me up.
An NFL athlete uses NutraBio? What is he using, I need that.

Sorry but even as I approach 50 I’m not coming off that field unless they drag me off of it.


Anything with less artificial coloring and sweetener will cause less bloating and settle easier. Personally over the years I have found products with less dyes and colors settle with ease and prevent uncomfort. The last thing you want around a workout is feeling sluggish or bloating and that is what a natural product would do by eliminating the sweeteners.

I would like to see how much the flavor varies from the original products to the natural line


For the record, we use no artificial dyes/colors to begin with.

Watch our podcast with CJ and Mike. The natural flavors are honestly better than the artificial in my opinion.

And I’m traditionally a supporter of NOT caring about natural options


I was going to hold off then I saw the green apple flavor.

Now for the natural bit I have not seen any direct evidence of it doing much of anything, some of the artificial colors aren’t great, but despite the hype non of the common artificial sweeteners have good evidence for them being bad.

Artificial flavors themselves are never disclosed so no one makes much of a fuss about them, and best I can tell there is no major difference.

The green coffee bean might give a different feel and sounds interesting.

But in short I want that green apple flavor.

You got plenty of power left in you, and you getting healthier with natural products will only aid!!!

Would love to hear you’re thoughts man :slight_smile:

And for @Extrabeef to say they taste better than our regular products…THAT’S saying something!!!

You will love it man and will get to try all the flavors.


Thank you KR

I’m excited for everyone to try it and agree with me. Not many believe me yet


They are all alittle skeptical, but that will change quick :slight_smile:

Thanks to Nutrabio for the promo.

Pre Flavor: Green Apple
Intrablast: Kiwi Strawberry

I’m a fan of natural sweeteners, as I find them easier on the stomach. Unfortunately most supps use artificial sweeteners like sucralose, and when you’re taking 3 or 4 supps a day it can lead to bloating or even a laxative effect. There aren’t a lot of high level companies focusing on natural lines, so this is good to see. Other than that, I’ve never used an intra workout, so would be interested to see if incorporating them improves my workouts.

Great word man, and so true.

Intra Blast is the best and power packed, gonna love the addition of adding that in!


You know I’m always good for an honest and detailed review

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I’ve never tried a natural supplement before because I really just haven’t thought a lot about trying them and not a lot of companies don’t make fully dosed quality natural supplements in the first place. I would love to give these a try! I just had a scoop of Nutrabio pre this morning always a great choice. I’ve read great things about intra blast as well.

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And then when you approach them at the Arnold next year…(couldn’t resist)

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I never approached nutrabio at the Arnold
But good try

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It was a joke…(about your approaching the PP guy’s)…

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