Can’t judge from the front IMO. Looks high, but depends on your hip crease.
Finishing this block a little under ideal expectations, but still quite proud of it. I have to really get into some technique issues with my bench, and hopefully this ART will pan out for helping the pec heal up. Finishing this strength block with:
405 Squat (+35 [old max was with wraps, this was with IPF-A sleeves])
500 Deadlift (+25)
295 Bench (+5)
All unofficial gym maxes of course, we’ll prep for comp in the fall (assuming colleges go back in session) and see how I perform on the platform. Overall not too disappointed in a 65lb jump. Shooting for an overall increase of 300lbs on the total this year, and we are well on our way
Been awhile since I posted here. Signed up for my first meet in Bridgeville this March. Looking to qualify for collegiate nationals here. Just need to drop about 5 pounds to make the 74kg weight class and should be set
What are your current openers, if you had to get on stage today?
S: 370
B: 265
D: 455
At least the closest to kilos possible. Will finalize kilo amounts with my coach closer to meet day
Ez money