New supplement thread

For a product that will likely be around $2 per scoop with an 11 ingredient prop. blend, I could only see those who are die hard faithfuls of the Guerilla picking this up…unless there is a decent promotion going on.

I also wonder if this is one reason he split with Marc Lobliner and Tiger Fitness. Marc didn’t want any part in some prop blend madness…just a theory

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That makes sense, no matter how big of a fan of the guy you’re , prop blend choice is garbage


Given the chemists work within and his time in the industry, I’d give hik the benefit of the doubt. I do believe this prop blend is actually being used for the proper reason, and not to hide pixie dusting like Insane Labz or one of those worthless sack of crap companies

I’ll address the last part. Yes, only because the Guerilla chemist made it. Why? Because he’s been in the industry long enough and has put out excellent formulas or formulated for other companies. Why wouldn’t I buy BPI? Because bpi is a bundle of shit sticks, that can’t put together an effective formula to save their lives, not to mention their protein had me on the damn toilet for 2+ hours. If you can’t trust a professional formulator, then why bother? Just because someone has a transparent label, doesnt mean theirs product contains what it says either…just saying. There has to be an ounce of trust involved

You are missing the point.
If BPI made this product with the same formula as Chemix did, would you buy it? Most likely not because you know BPI hides behind prop blends with their formulation. That is my point. Just because X or Y made a product does not always mean it will deliver. Countless companies make prop blends, regardless of what the product or ingredient profile shows we can’t always assume it will be the next best or greatest thing. I mean how hard it is to even disclose the caffeine content for a consumer? Yeesh

I rather take my chances buying a product that is fully open label and transparent on knowing what I may be intaking, then playing a guessing game on a prop blend regardless of who makes it.


Eh to each their own, I’m a little more adventurous than that

Fallacious logic until he explains it; appeal to authority. Aprop blend is arguably defendable; his failure to list the standardization of rhodiola (despite listing the standardization of two other extracts) and even failing to say its standardized at all (which he did for a third extract) doesn’t bode well IMO.


There are plenty of professional formulators and smart people; that doesn’t mean they always hit homeruns and make the best decisions. Just my $0.02. No offense, but it sounds like you’re fanboying over HIM isntead is objectively looking at the product. I’m not saying it won’t be good, just that there are inarguably some bizarre choices in even just the labeling of ingredients alone.


It’s the principle too. Yeah, the guy may be educated/qualified/etc. but if you just blindly support him, you’re not encouraging him to put out the best product for the consumer. Plenty of quality formulators with education don’t use huge prop blends.

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The company I work for is essentially a RnD for a different industry (hotmelt adhesives), it’s actually very common for RnD people to not get along with marketing/sales/owners. Those guys want products to be able to do everything under every condition, but want it to cost as little as possible. Developers are able to make products that are great, but get heat from the other departments for the price of manufacturing. Not sure on the Guerilla situation, but I think you catch my drift lol.

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Ghost has a lot of new new coming for 2019
Here is the future outlook on flavors and product development

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I won’t deny it, I am fan boying. He was a major factor into me diving deep into how substances, ingredients work. I don’t see fan boying being a problem as long as the product delivers. It’s really no different than people fan boying over Mark Gazier (who I’m a fan of as well). If the product doesn’t deliver though, then I will happily eat my words and admit I was wrong.

You do you man, but surely you can see there are multiple “undesirable” things with the label, that would otherwise be red flags. Plenty of products deliver AND don’t have these issues. People like Glazier for his transparency; this is the exact opposite. You can look at their labels and decide if you think you’d like it based on the label and base your initial purchase on that. This relies solely on the trust in the man, as the label has a LOT of questions.


SGA flavor? Sour gummy something? Or sour green apple?

Sour Green Apple

Can I get an ELI5 on the Guerilla Chemist? I see that he has a MS in Chem, which is cool and relevant, but what exactly is it that has got him this cult following? Is like the next-gen “hardcore” Jim Stoppani or something?

Blackstone Labs

What natty products did they have that were so amazing as to cement him a place as a “master formulator?” Genuinely curious.

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Glycolog was the only product of theirs that I used. Standard GDA, but to this day it’s the best GDA I’ve experienced.

Wasn’t that open-label? :wink:

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