New supplement thread

The supplement looks like someone dropped the Raws on the floor and that’s how they got this lol

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Saw the new Myoblox Guerilla chemist PWO… interesting. :thinking:

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Agreed…I’m willing to give it a go just because I’ve been waiting for him to drop something of his own for a while now

Prop Blend… this is 2018

The Alpha Y Will scare some people who don’t tolerate it well.

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Count me amongst that group!

Agreed, absolute bullshit. Expected more. Plus, a 6.9g scoop?? And it’s really 18 servings, for the 2 scoops, which will be upwards of $2 a serving

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I can’t believe people would actually buy that. Tragic.

Noopept is a no go for me… brain fog/10

I never got anything out of it myself. Actually, I remember it messing with my depth perception while driving at night.

The first of the new flavors coming to the C4 Carbonated line

The kanna in that should soften both the Alpha Y and Noo.

But fuck man, open the profile up completely

USP Labs growth hormone and sleep formula PowerFULL is returning

I think a lot of these companies rely on uneducated consumers. If people knew the truth in training and nutrition, a lot of these products wouldn’t be bought.

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Absolute facts.

That would explain the names of some of the products. And let’s face it, we live in a day and age where facts aren’t what is important it’s what you believe to be true.

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Now they need to get that Vanilla protein powder back on the market.

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Most people… and i mean A LOT try to supplement a bad diet and training.
That is why they stockpile tons of products , and think taking more pills and powders will merit results.
Not always the case

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Less is more as they say

Matt Porter to release Pie Fuel
A carb source made of barley and sweet potato

Also a 100% isolate he is to release


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@TheSolution what’s your opinion on MPA? The ingredient profiles look great.