New Supplement Thread -- Part 2

Especially with that recent Bomar lawsuit.

What’s the acceptable range, 10%?

I mean even regular foods we buy
Cereal bars
Granola bars

It goes across the board
Usually 10% yes, but I mean built bars state 50g bars and they range in weight from 37-90g

Like quality control? Not even once. How they have such a large following blows my mind with how they rip off people.

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Especially after that expired/moldy bar fiasco

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Compare it to Bucked Up… They’re not targeting people like us that care for these things. Built bars are getting people that care about what makes up the macro content, more than how accurate the macros are… Even then they’re not looking very hard.

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The funny thing is. Read the comments on built bars posts. Many will even write

  • horrible shipping
  • Mad about never having flavors in stock
  • know the QC is incorrect

yet there they going buying it over and over again

It is like they know what they buy doesn’t meet label claims, but buy it anyway.
Makes me truly wonder what some people think and do in this day and age.
Agree with you 100% @Devin_Foley almost all their continual buyers know they had COVID workers in the building producing bars, sold moldy and expired bars, and even if they get massively delayed shipments or incorrect orders they just keep feeding the fire.

Some things will never change.
I mean having a bar here and there is great, but some of these people eat 1-2 a day. Count up how incorrect those macros are over the course of a week. Talking almost 1,000+ possibly.


And such entitlement includes the idea that because these folks are still spending money, they expect the company to course correct. When it comes down to it, people are too lazy-minded to actually leave and find something else.

I can’t even look at Chipotle with a straight face since the first time they were shut down for contaminated food (not the 2nd time, the 1st time). That was a decade ago.


Funny you say that. I think I have had Chipolte maybe 2-3 times in my entire life.
I understand the convenience of these places, but I am just old school and don’t mind throwing 3-4 pounds of pork/chicken/turkey in a crock pot and 8 hours later I am good to go for multiple days with little to no clean up or prep.


Also funny is the fact that the crock pot approach is arguably more convenient: Make your own food at a large scale, containerize it the right way, and you’ve got yourself a nice haul of off-the-shelf style meals.


But but but…I don’t own a crock pot, don’t know how to go shopping and don’t know how an electrical outlet works :exploding_head:


The same people spending hours on social media and using that same outlet to charge their mobile phone :slight_smile:


Vote C4 and Ghost Energy!


Two amazing choices @TheSolution


done and done… did this earlier LOL best of the bunch in my opinion!!


Best of both worlds my man!

Almost didn’t vote the other groups… but there was some in the running that don’t belong, so I did my duty


Ghost Update:

2:30 - Sonic Apparel
3:00 - AOTM July Neon V2 – Drops Wednesday July 28th at 12 CST/1 PM EST
4:30 - Watermelon Sour Strips
6:20 - Call with Dustin Williams (Ghost Ambassador)
9:15 - Limited Edition Ghost Energy Strawberry Bubblicious
Next week you can secure a can on the Ghost App (100 Cans/Day) Monday-Friday
** Just Pay Shipping **

  • Will be available at GNC/VS
    – Once this sells out it is gone

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Seasonal One Bar coming soon

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No need to remind us that summer is nearly over :frowning: