New PPK Editions-win one of Pump, Power or Shred!

Do you have tracking?

Tracking should be sent to everyoneā€™s email upon shipping. Iā€™ll check in to see.

Thank you. Iā€™ll be out of town until Friday - but will let you know once it does arrive and once I start to utilize it. (The product not the tracking)

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Got you, I will wait for an email and then when it comes in I will get to work on the review

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FYI, I havenā€™t received tracking yet.

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Items were shipped out yesterday afternoon, please post when you receive yours!


Tracking Details will be provided to you shortly by @Adidasshorts :sunglasses:


Look who showed up on PricePlow! Welcome!


Thank you Chris! Check DMā€™s guys, tracking information was sent

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The pink lemonade is fucking delicious

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Iā€™ll update it a few more times as I see fit.