New nutrabio pre flavor beta

Had my first dose yesterday. Something interesting…

I took a nap before hitting the gym, and mixed up the PRE before my nap so that when I woke up I could just reach over and chug it to fully wake up.

Took a little sip immediately after mixing, and Blongo had it dead-on, liquid Dum-Dums.

Sat it on my nightstand, crashed for 45 minutes, woke up, excited to have more liquid Dum-Dums. But after sitting, it had COMPLETELY changed. Had an extremely strange taste, if I had to describe it, I’d say it was like peanut butter but bitter instead of sweet. The blue-razz flavor was barely even noticeable behind the bitter-PB.

I actually have no idea what would cause this, it was a clean shaker. The effects were fuckin awesome, but y’all already know that, we’re testing the flavor, and I thought this was worth mentioning. Drinking immediately after mixing = yum, mixing it ahead of time and drinking after letting it sit = wtf.