Ketogenics GDA Glucosatrol

The powerlifter’s curse :pensive:

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It makes zero sense dude. I’ve benched low 400s for triples and can’t get a little hypertrophy?


Saturday, Feb 1 – Workout Day – 170.6
Sunday Feb 2 – Cheat Meal – 170.8
Monday Feb 3 – Workout Day – 171.2 (Spike from Cheat)
Tuesday Feb 4th – Non Workout – 170.4

Updated Weights:
Wed - 5th - Workout – 170.6
Thur - 6th - Workout – 170.2
Fri - 7th - Non – 170

Weight is still dropping with no changes in calories. I have bumped up from the end of my BMP and AE Logging (5 months of being in a slight deficit), yet I am still leaning out, and my BG continues to drop with the only change being the GDA and additiona calories (only one caloric bump)

Other things to Note:

BG Upon Waking 80 (which is down again)
I tried 3 caps with a high at meal and found digestion to be far improved (usually fatty meals does bloat me)

3 Caps sits me much better on Lower carb meals (25/50g Carb Meals)
BG After those meals - 66, 69, and 71
I did not see it drop into the 30’s or 50’s which made my BG and insulin levels much more stable.

Some takeaways:
Even for those on a keto diet, used with higher fat meals will improve digestion (from a small trial I did)
3 Caps better suited for lower carb meals
BG continues to drop weekly
Improved body recomp effect with no dietary changes.

So far I am very pleased with this product and would put it right up there with GlycoShield , Predator, and Slintensity V2 as an all time favorite just in a short run so far.

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Very impressed with how good of a GDA Glucosatrol is so I grabbed another bottle and 2 tubs of the electrolyte powder

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Will be trying next after this bottle of Glycophase


Big step up IMO

Coupon: Bob15


Really liking how this is helping me stay lean and utilized the carbs

Getting a sick pump with it too


Went to order now that I’m nearly outta Glycophase, but sold out. Thankfully partial restock tomorrow. Code Bob15 still work?

Yes Sir
Year round code.

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Awesome, thanks!

No problem.
I don’t get anything out of the code. It is just a coupon that can help anyone on the online message boards get the products for a discount.

I am going to be ordering up another bottle + 3 bottles of KetoLytes. 2 of my favorites.

Please let me know what you think when you try Glycophase

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It is in stock but as per site, limited units right now:

*** June 1 - in stock, LOW INVENTORY - Full restock by June 15th ***


Ordered. Thanks!


Let us know what ya think!

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Just a lil update for ya Bob, absolutely love this stuff. Crazy good pumps when I’m using for a pwo meal, and just a general better feeling when I use them for a cheat meal.


Glad you enjoyed it buddy :slight_smile:


Awesome! Yeah its so multifaceted. All the ways you can use it

1 - the obvious pre big carb meal
2 - pre workout alone or with your pre w/o meal
3 - pre post workout meal.
4 - for us keto people we also take it to help speed up re entry into ketosis post carb up, carb meal etc.
5 - daily use for its overall health promoting properties

The feedback is so awesome we get, random emails from all walks of life. Keto people, big non keto muscle dudes, fitness females and even the random overweight woman who enjoys the product.

Then I get random emails “is it normal to use this stuff and hardly gain any scale weight after a cheat meal which usually ads 3 to 5lbs next morning”. Or dont feel like crap after. … they are always perplexed but I pretty much tell them it’s a common type of feedback we get.

It’s that one product that people routinely buy a few at a time, one guy bought 6 last week, a woman bought 4. Gotta love it.


Glad to hear you’re getting lots of good feedback! Left a five star review to show my support of course


Everyone who has tried it has absolutely loved it.
Sure the price may be a bit hefty, but you get what you pay for.
The “Bob15” code does help a bit, and once you try it then you see why its such a powerful and effective product.


Yup. Also keep in mind you have popular GDA’s supps with hardly any ingredients, 3-5 ingredients and they charge $35-$45++. So price for what you get is unmatched among any other GDA on the market.