Favorite Preworkout currently?


Good pre and good flavor…

Side note: Since I have been reducing the amount of stims/caffeine in my pre-workout I’m finding that the 150MG threshold (this isn’t an exact science) is about it for me. More than that anymore ‘stims me out’…this coming from a guy that used to love LegionPulse…(350mg of caffeine and theanine). I’ve been all about that (you thought I was going to say bass didn’t you) focus and pump lately. And it has worked well.


Similar feelings here. Four years ago I was all over high stim PWOs and now 150-200mg caffeine is my sweet spot without disrupting my sleep or ruining my tolerance.

Currently doing 1 scoop FullBlitz and I know I’m missing out on full ergogenic doses of the other ingredients but can’t do full caffeine amount.

In order to take full advantage of the ergogenic doses - I would throw in a scoop of VasoBlitz. FB is VB + added stims.

And I agree…I drink a cup of coffee in the morning with breakfast (usually realistically on training days 1/2 - 3/4 of a cup) then wait about a half an hour or so and then pre-workout and train So all told about an hour after breakfast. But have found that I’m perfectly fine with limited caffeine, because, and I don’t know when this happened, any stims above a certain range make me feel ‘stimmed out’. It’s crazy. By the same token, utilizing CorePump (no Fury) feels perfectly fine pre-workout. Perhaps it’s getting older…

Yeah it is nice when you find that sweet spot of caffeine for the PWO though!! Mine is around 250mg personally that gets me amped up in the early morning workouts. If I hit over 250mg or at it then I usually skip my coffee for the morning, since I drink one energy drink later on. Honestly 250mg gets me just as amped as 300-400mg does. That is why I like to cycle my PWO and run a roulette of sorts on it, different amounts to keep the body guessing.

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Did you ever try BEAM? Great PWO for lower stims. I liked it as a lower stim option. It made FDNs top PWO list.

Raw is only 100mg caffeine and endorsed by PP. I haven’t tried it.

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BEAM is really good…

Yeah, for the money I like that shit. The problem is that to get the proper doses you have to double scoop. But then that puts you at 380 mg caffeine. Around 300 is my limit and 250-275 is my sweet spot. If they lowered the caffeine to 130-140 per serving and added some more pump ingredients i.e. citrulline/hydromax/nitrates, etc. It would be perfect.

I had good luck @ 1.5 scoops stacked with1.5 scoops of Pump Mode.

You all are like leetel baby. My “sweet spot” is 400-500mg, and my upper limit of pure caffeine is uhhh, to be determined, I’ve never gone above 700-800mg at once but even that didn’t have me cracked out.

Throw in other “exotic” stims and things change of course, but those have fallen out of popularity it seems.

Btw this isn’t even like, from caffeine abuse. I just took a week totally off and besides a first day headache I was fine. Then got straight back on the bus again.


Same here for that sweet spot. I’ll move into the 600-700mg if I’m in meet prep and hitting top deadlift or squat singles, but a brisk 450ish is perfect for my daily use

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@Anthony and @Caribou you guy’s are insane.

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Rumble been my daily lately.


The Southern Mountain Gospel flavor for the IntraFast is outstanding…meaning the name.

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I mix it with some bulk citrulline personally.

Haha not gonna lie. Love me some dmha that shit used to get m fired up beyond belief. At 41 I try and be more functional for daily use but yeah. Waiting for the next dmaa dmha variant

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Speaking of DMHA/DMAA, I just became aware of this product while listening to a podcast the other day.

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It’s the ADHD. Caffeine mostly just makes me more functional lmao

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Funny thing is I don’t mind some sort of ‘energy’ drink on days I don’t train for the same reason.

Side note for anyone still paying attention:

MFit Havoc - lower stim, but pretty good
Legion Pulse - Crazy energy that seems to last a long time (careful about when you use it though - I have also combined it with VasoBlitz)
OldSchoolLabs Vintage Blast - you may be surprised by this - but it’s pretty good as a ‘daily driver’ as they say

Keeping in mind of course that everyone is different…and that what works well for some won’t work for others. On top of that, I’ve seen that Supps I’ve used in the past, just don’t hit the same in some cases.