Originally published at: https://blog.priceplow.com/keto-diet/athletes-carbs
There’s no question that a well-formulated ketogenic diet has incredible weight loss and fat-burning benefits, especially from those suffering from hyperinsulinemia or carbohydrate control issues, especially when paired with intermittent fasting. Do Athletes Really Need Carbs? Doctor Tro, board-certified in internal medicine and obesity, lays out the data. The reasons… …(Read more on the PricePlow Blog)
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At KetoCon last week, Danny Vega and I think Thomas DeLauer were fans of getting carbs in for workouts, while Robert Sikes, Kristin Rowell, and William Shewfelt didn’t.
I believe that when I first started keto a year ago, I did get a bit of a pump when I took some simple carbs before my workouts. At some point I stopped noticing a difference with or without carbs; so I don’t bother with them anymore.
Good post. Personally I enjoy carbs intra-workout (free plug for IntraCell7, SuperCarb, Karbolyn etc…)