DaSlaya's Thoughts on Cellucor C4 RTD, C4 Shot Rocks, and C4 Ultimate

Speaking of C4 Ultimate… 2 tubs for $40.

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C4 Ultimate Power is straight up amazing.

I love C4 Ultimate, and like the Power even more.

I’ve said it numerous times on other forums but I’ll say it again here. C4 Ultimate/Power is hands down best pre-wo options on the market.


I hate you guy’s…Now I have to try C4 Ultimate Power

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it’s really good…

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So what makes it different than C4 Ultimate - I do see that it includes Test Boosters - but as far as performance (in the gym I mean)

C4 Ultimate:

C4 Ultimate Power has 1g Citrulline Nitrate (C4 Ultiamte has 1.5g Creatine Nitrate)
C4 Ultimate Power has a 3g Creatine Matrix (Ultimate does not)
C4 Ultimate Has Nitrosigine & Arginine Alpha Ketoglutarate (Pump)
C4 Ultimate Power has Test boosting property complex (Ultimate does not)
C4 Ultimate Energy & Focus blend (100mg Stronger in C4 Ultimate)

C4 Ultimate Power:

I know you don’t like to read labels :slight_smile:

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You are a machine. Thank you

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@burntreality do they have samples of the C4 Ultimate Power? Looks like the next level PWO after I finish the Ultimate.


@TheSolution is this how you got the name “The Solution”, supplement formulas? Will-Hunting


Unfortunately they do not have samples. Some GNCs might provide a sample upon request. Several times they have given me a scoop of a Preworkout I wanted to try in a plastic container with a lid.


I bought a tub of C4 Ultimate direct from retail in Argentina, because it was on a sale, and I think this version is the one for overseas.

It has a little less of vitamins and a different stim blend.

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Never seen that type of Bitter orange. Certainly interesting and still looks good. Let us know how it is! Loved that flavor, tasted like a liquid watermelon jolly rancher

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The first serving was pure heat. Then it smoothed down. Good energy and decent focus. The pumps and performance enhacement are pretty good too.

I would have prefered the USA formula. More vitamins and a more comprehensive stim formula imo.

I bought it because it was on sale here in Buenos Aires.

$90 USD for 40 servings (imported supps are crazy expensive here)

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