Chemix Pre-Workout V3: Guerilla Chemist's High-Energy Pre Rises Again!

Ah jeez nobody caught that I was being snarky there.

I’ll try to stop wasting away when I can train hard again. Had a neck injury and can still literally do 4lbs on tricep kickback. Prior to that in January I actually had my proudest physique from lots of HIIT and BJJ (example). Not gunnin for Mr. Olympia bro

He makes a good pre, but I’m disappointed he thinks everyone wants to be Mr Olympia.

It would help his business to realize most consumers do not.

And to understand that Berberine isn’t the antithesis of muscle building :wink:


New found respect after learning that you roll

What happened?

Stepped on a lego

Wish I knew! Probably rolled too hard (it’s tough to go easy as a rookie) and resisted too hard / didn’t tap soon enough when getting choked. Nerve got pinched and it felt like an arm injury, but the arm itself is fine. It’s crazy weird but improving finally.

Huh, neat. I’m glad you’re getting better!

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