I’ve heard of these guy’s forever…but never tried any of their products…Just curious as to the thoughts from the Board. Cool website…but need to hear from you guy’s what your thoughts are on some of their products, the company etc…
And as always…Asking for a friend.
Their products look pretty quality, but absurdly high-priced. $60+ for 14 servings of post-workout, good Lord.
Great products but as already stated. unreasonably expensive. They frequently run 50% off sales so that would be the time to try something out. I’ve enjoyed all the products I’ve tried from them… Elevate, Roughage, Glycodrive, Whey Smooth, etc.
Their products are expensive but quality. Their old whey smooth protein was delicious however you can only buy it off amazon as their US distribution doesn’t have it. I like a few of their older formulas more than their recent changes.
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The vanilla isolate is one of the best I have ever had for any vanilla on the market. If it is on sale I highly suggest picking it up. The banana and PB Whey Smooth (DC’d) was fantastic. Amino-Fast was a very good amino product when I ran a few tubs of it.
Thank you guys Greatly appreciate it
they have prob the best website of all supplement companies, too bad you missed the 50% off sale they had on their site, this past weekend.
their greens product “roughage” is a staple of mine, also have PPK (pre) and post factor (post) in rotation.
hell looking at their product list now, i have tried everything but 2 or 3 products lol
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Thank you Doug. Yeah I’m a day late and a dollar short. I was looking at their Post product initially…
to me, “the rent is just too damn high” unless you can get a sale or promo code. The Key Lime Post Factor is excellent though.
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Never looked into Roughage, but I love a great greens powder.
Have you tried Prime’s Phytoform? It tastes absolutely incredible and not crazy high in price.
I also like Jack3d Factory’s Green Surge (mostly sold on amazon) which is around $15 for 30 servings and tastes very good.
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had phytoform awhile back, watermelon i believe was very good… had “greens freak” (think that’s what it was called) wasnt a fan of the taste.
Orange Triad with greens i’ve used in the past as well, but Roughage blows it out of the water (plus i am swimming in Anavite). imo
OT + Greens I have never used because I always just buy the bottles during BF when they are dirt cheap for the entire year. Will have to look into Roughage since you give it a good nod.
Also forgot. I sent you a PM on AM about the cans you were looking for (Variety Case)
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i got suppz to add them after a friendly FB call out
And its $10 cheaper LOL NICE
KLP is fantastic, hate the fuckin foam though
So Key Lime hmmm…Is it more of a Gatorade Lime or a Key Lime lime? And thank you.
Key Lime Key Lime. It’s very good.
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I had the Green Surge recently through their beta testing…good stuff.
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