VPX Bang's New Flavors

I tried the purple guava pear flavor this weekend. It was OK, not as good as I was expecting according to all the hype. Definitely not in my top 3. I remember watching a video on Bang from Price Plow and he mentioned 6 new flavors coming out. Me and buddy from GNC were talking and we were guessing the 6 new flavors. This is what we come up with…

  1. Watermelon
  2. Grape
  3. Cola or Cherry Cola
  4. Orange
  5. Apple
  6. Cherry

Do you guys at Price Plow know for sure ? What flavors would everyone like to see ?

Purple Haze
Cherry Blade Lemonade
Then they have 3 tea flavors coming out

There is expected to be a total of three flavors to the upcoming line, one of those three being Sweet Ice Tea.

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@TheSolution Thanks. I really want to see cola flavored and just a straight cherry flavor. Cherry NOS tastes real good. I don’t like sweet tea, I only drink unsweetened so I wouldn’t want that…LOL Cherry Limeade/lemonade… been done to death by supplement companies.

Hyde Power Potion Cherry Cola may be right up your alley then. Its a good mix of a 7/11 slushy and a diet cherry coke.

Yeah, I seen those. I would definitely like to try it.

Check your messages for Hyde Deals.

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Cherry Blade Lemonade sounds fucking yummy, but my next energy drink purchase will definitely be the Hydes.

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I tried the pina colada the other night before a gig, it was pretty nice. I also saw that they had “caffeine free” options and I got so mad I kicked out the window at Vitamin Shoppe and threw the fridge into the parking lot.

Actually those Caff free are nice in you just want the taste without the extra caffeine. Expensive for something that costs more than a typical cup of coffee but nice every once and a while

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