Velositol: Enhancing Muscle Protein Synthesis with Science

Originally published at:

What is Velositol? Velositol is a unique chromium / amylopectin complex that increases muscle protein synthesis (MPS) when combined with protein and exercise. It is GRAS affirmed[1] (generally regarded as safe) at the recommended serving of 2 grams per day in protein drinks (including ready-to-drink and powder), meal replacement bars,… …(Read more on the PricePlow Blog)

More than a year ago I was using Faktrition Keto Whey Protein and it had Velositol.

I am still very unconvinced, If it ends up being really cheap it might be worth it but I am not convinced it is going to do much vs say 2 grams of maltodextrin and some chromium.

A keto whey, along with an ingredient that is supposed to spike insulin


If companies are charging higher for protein due to velositol, I would not pay and the data still isn’t much.

Doesn’t seem like BN labs is a great deal. Olympus Endure BCAA also has a high dose, perfect for the post workout timing

Ok this answers my question, you can just use chromium picolinate with any protien with carbs in it and get pretty much the same result.

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