Universal Doctor's CarbRite Diet Bars - 12 Bars (Mocha Cappuccino) for $9.60 at AllStarHealth! [EXPIRED]

Universal Doctor’s CarbRite Diet Bars - 12 Bars (Mocha Cappuccino) for $9.60 at AllStarHealth!

Comment from PricePlow

These unique bars have 21g protein, but are using glycerine as the bending agent. This is a sugar alcohol with lower glycemic impact (less blood sugar spike) than regular sugar. Thanks to the low-fat nature, it’s also pretty low-calorie.

If you want a solid protein bar deal with no IMO Fiber, this is the first one we’ve seen in a while.

Deal Criteria for Universal Doctor’s CarbRite Diet Bars:

  • Price Per Unit to get on Deals Page: $1.00 per Bar
  • Price Per Unit to generate email blast: $0.75 per Bar

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