Revive MD Glucose RX: The 'Mic Drop' of Glucose Disposal Agents

Originally published at: Revive MD Glucose RX: The ‘Mic Drop’ of Glucose Disposal Agents

Physique-coach-elite Matt Jansen and hormone expert Dr. Domenic Iacovone recently rocked our worlds with Inflammation RX, and end-all be-all to protect from joint pain and gut inflammation. Can they make lightning strike twice with their glucose disposal agent, Glucose RX? The answer is a resounding yes. Carbohydrates make for quite… …(Read more on the PricePlow Blog)

@muscleupcrohn product may be a little overkill, but it’s killing it on our blood sugar readings.

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I much prefer overkill to underkill haha. I’d rather pay a premium for a top-notch product than save a few dollars on something sub-par.