Repp Sports Raze Energy Galaxy Burst Review

Thanks. Sorry I missed this review. I don’t always catch them all.

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No problem. They don’t go anywhere, so its easy to reference when I search for them on here or pull from my YT. I try to include the links to the written review in the comment box, or will make a better habit of doing so in the future .

You do great reviews. It’s probably me sometimes being lazy and not doing a search on here when I should…LOL

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Do you get to choose the 4 flavors they send in the sample pack?

Sample pack is either:
4 Galaxy
Phantom Freeze, Grape , Sour Gummy, and Guava

The 4 drinks are in my video posted above ^^^

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Dang I want the ad smh

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One time use? Share the link :grin:

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This is the link that was sent to me, however I wasn’t given the option of choosing galaxy burst anywhere during the checkout process, so I’m assuming they are sending me the variety pack.

They sent me a link specifically for Galaxy Burst after I reviewed the original sample pack. Unsure if they will do the same for you or other customers

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The galaxy burst is worth buying a case without even trying a single can… if you like pink starburst that is. Me and Ryan called it the Hulk Hogan flavor due to the look of the can

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Agree 100%. They nailed that flavor.

Yes, one time custom link.

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Has anyone found this flavor at GNC or locally yet? I’d like to try it, but so far no one has any in stock. I’m guessing it will be a week or two?

It just launched direct on Friday, so they will start shipping out to retailers this week. I know I will have them at Campus on Monday for ordering.

I would expect locals to possibly have them early in the week, or end of the week pending if they want to pick them up or not.

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BOGO50 launch deal from me
Making them $20/Case

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Slightly discounted shipping for the sample pack