PROMO - Nutrabio PRE Pump X

We are all awaiting that label… Can’t wait.

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Probably not eligible because at overseas military address but here goes.
Most extreme workout days are Mondays and Wednesdays. I start at about 0630 with an hour of lifting with my personal program. Nothing crazy with mixed body groups, cable/machine or free weights, dumbbells or straight bar, heavy and light days. 3-4 exercises per body part, 8-12 reps, 4-5 sets.
Next is starting work at the base fitness pool training rescue swimmers. The start of Monday and Wednesdays are PT days so an hour of calisthenics to include 1-3 mile run, push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups, and sometimes group circuit training for fun and team building. We usually finish up PT with swimming with gear about 900m, 500 with gear and another 400 buddy tow. The remaining 1-2 hours is dedicated to the required pool training.
Time working out and training equals about 4-4 1/2 hours. It becomes more extreme during the summer time in the Middle East where temperatures get up to 130F. Rehydrating and refueling is a must but a great pre-workout and BCAAs helps sustain through the long training period.

I’m pushing for the label guys. Waiting for finally art approval!!!


Cant wait to see the label really pumped to see how it turns out!!!

Sorry for the delay here guys, we had to more things around - production wise.

So this got pushed back alittle, hopefully I’ll have word soon and get winners picked :slight_smile:


No pun intended


Hey, did you guys pick the winners already?


No, not yet! We are still waiting on production to pick winners!

Kon actually took a trip up here Friday and verified this is being done. Since this is a novelty product it’s obviously gotten pushed back a little bit behind important projects. but it is definitely coming.

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It will be worth the wait guys, its STRONG stuff!!! :muscle::muscle::muscle:

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Thanks for the reply brother, I hope to be lucky enough to try this legendary formula!!!


Any update on the formula or release? I am assuming its pushed back, but can’t wait to see the label.

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Hey Man,

This is still a work in progress. Meaning the ingredient list is not finalized.

I can say that when I was up there, Ben said the ingredient list is like a mile long!!!

So, still waiting and I know you all want to check this out and believe me I want to get it out. But this has kinda taken a back seat to everything else.

I have a note in to see there is any news, so if I hear back…I’ll let you all know.


Question on that label. With so much being in the formula it would be great to get a better understanding of ‘how’ these ingredients work together. My experience in the past (and this is just me of course) is that too many ingredients in any formula is not necessarily a good thing.

This is gonna be fun


Oh man, that’s exactly why this is taking so long too. We aren’t just throwing a bunch of ingredients together, because most of the time they will cancel each other out. Mark is all over this and working/testing on what will work together…so far so good!!!

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Excited to see what you guys think :smiley:

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Any update?


looks like it was here… after the O, maybe.