Pro Supps HydroBCAA - 90 Servings (Miami Vice, Passion Fruit, Pink Lemonade, Texas Tea) for $29.99 at Muscle and Strength!
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Comment from PricePlow
At first you wouldn’t think $0.33/serving is that big of deal on a “BCAA”… but that’s because this isn’t any plain old BCAA – HydroBCAA contains a most excellent 3g EAA blend on top of the large 7g BCAA blend.
And as we now know, full spectrum EAAs beat BCAAs any day of the week… so long as you can get them to taste good like ProSupps did!
Deal Criteria for Pro Supps HydroBCAA:
- Price Per Unit to get on Deals Page: $0.35 per Serving
- Price Per Unit to generate email blast: $0.33 per Serving
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