PricePlow's Diet Tracking and Accountability Thread - September 2020


@dbrad93 (Keto – log) did not track calories yesterday.

@Chase_Irons changed goals. Calories is 3145, was 3755. Protein is 315, was 235. Carbs is 235, was 516. Fat is 105, was 83.

@Chase_Irons (log) did not track calories yesterday.


@dbrad93 (Keto – log) did not track calories yesterday.

@Chase_Irons changed goals. Calories is 3742, was 3145. Protein is 234, was 315. Carbs is 515, was 235. Fat is 83, was 105.

@Chase_Irons (log):

  • Calories: 551 (goal: 3742)
  • Protein: 66 (goal: 234)
  • Carbs: 1 (goal: 515)
    • Active Carbs: 1
  • Fat: 30 (goal: 83)
  • Fiber: 0 (goal: 38)
  • Sodium: 417 (goal: 2300)


@dbrad93 (Keto – log):

  • Calories: 744 (goal: 2210)
  • Protein: 104 (goal: 221)
  • Carbs: 2 (goal: 28)
  • Fat: 34 (goal: 135)
  • Sodium: 602 (goal: 2300)
  • Sugar: 2 (goal: 83)

@Chase_Irons changed goals. Calories is 3800, was 3742. Protein is 238, was 234. Carbs is 523, was 515. Fat is 84, was 83.

@Chase_Irons (log) did not track calories yesterday.


@dbrad93 (Keto – log) did not track calories yesterday.

@Chase_Irons changed goals. Calories is 3456, was 3800. Protein is 346, was 238. Carbs is 258, was 523. Fat is 115, was 84.

@Chase_Irons (log):

  • Calories: 2094 (goal: 3456)
  • Protein: 186 (goal: 346)
  • Carbs: 214 (goal: 258)
    • Active Carbs: 202
  • Fat: 54 (goal: 115)
  • Fiber: 12 (goal: 38)
  • Sodium: 947 (goal: 2300)


@dbrad93 (Keto – log) did not track calories yesterday.

@Chase_Irons changed goals. Calories is 3808, was 3456. Protein is 238, was 346. Carbs is 524, was 258. Fat is 85, was 115.

@Chase_Irons (log):

  • Calories: 782 (goal: 3808)
  • Protein: 72 (goal: 238)
  • Carbs: 100 (goal: 524)
    • Active Carbs: 86
  • Fat: 11 (goal: 85)
  • Fiber: 14 (goal: 38)
  • Sodium: 311 (goal: 2300)


@dbrad93 (Keto – log) did not track calories yesterday.

@Chase_Irons changed goals. Calories is 3287, was 3808. Protein is 329, was 238. Carbs is 246, was 524. Fat is 110, was 85.

@Chase_Irons (log):

  • Calories: 2748 (goal: 3287)
  • Protein: 275 (goal: 329)
  • Carbs: 243 (goal: 246)
    • Active Carbs: 211
  • Fat: 75 (goal: 110)
  • Fiber: 32 (goal: 38)
  • Sodium: 1459 (goal: 2300)


@dbrad93 (Keto – log) did not track calories yesterday.

@Chase_Irons changed goals. Calories is 3807, was 3287. Protein is 238, was 329. Carbs is 523, was 246. Fat is 85, was 110.

@Chase_Irons (log):

  • Calories: 3096 (goal: 3807)
  • Protein: 286 (goal: 238)
  • Carbs: 336 (goal: 523)
    • Active Carbs: 312
  • Fat: 58 (goal: 85)
  • Fiber: 24 (goal: 38)
  • Sodium: 1078 (goal: 2300)


@dbrad93 (Keto – log) did not track calories yesterday.

@Chase_Irons changed goals. Calories is 3145, was 3807. Protein is 315, was 238. Carbs is 235, was 523. Fat is 105, was 85.

@Chase_Irons (log) did not track calories yesterday.


@dbrad93 (Keto – log) did not track calories yesterday.

@Chase_Irons changed goals. Calories is 3600, was 3145. Protein is 225, was 315. Carbs is 495, was 235. Fat is 80, was 105.

@Chase_Irons (log) did not track calories yesterday.


@dbrad93 (Keto – log) did not track calories yesterday.

@Chase_Irons (log) did not track calories yesterday.


@dbrad93 (Keto – log) did not track calories yesterday.

@Chase_Irons changed goals. Calories is 3145, was 3600. Protein is 315, was 225. Carbs is 235, was 495. Fat is 105, was 80.

@Chase_Irons (log) did not track calories yesterday.


@dbrad93 (Keto – log) did not track calories yesterday.

@Chase_Irons changed goals. Calories is 3600, was 3145. Protein is 225, was 315. Carbs is 495, was 235. Fat is 80, was 105.

@Chase_Irons (log) did not track calories yesterday.


@dbrad93 (Keto – log) did not track calories yesterday.

@Chase_Irons changed goals. Calories is 3145, was 3600. Protein is 315, was 225. Carbs is 235, was 495. Fat is 105, was 80.

@Chase_Irons (log) did not track calories yesterday.


@dbrad93 (Keto – log) did not track calories yesterday.

@Chase_Irons changed goals. Calories is 3600.0, was 3145. Protein is 225.0, was 315. Carbs is 495.0, was 235. Fat is 80.0, was 105.

@Chase_Irons (log) did not track calories yesterday.


@dbrad93 (Keto – log) did not track calories yesterday.

@Chase_Irons changed goals. Calories is 3145.0, was 3600.0. Protein is 315.0, was 225.0. Carbs is 235.0, was 495.0. Fat is 105.0, was 80.0.

@Chase_Irons (log) did not track calories yesterday.


@dbrad93 (Keto – log) did not track calories yesterday.

@Chase_Irons changed goals. Calories is 3600.0, was 3145.0. Protein is 225.0, was 315.0. Carbs is 495.0, was 235.0. Fat is 80.0, was 105.0.

@Chase_Irons (log) did not track calories yesterday.


@Chase_Irons (log) did not track calories yesterday.


@Chase_Irons changed goals. Calories is 3145.0, was 3600.0. Protein is 315.0, was 225.0. Carbs is 235.0, was 495.0. Fat is 105.0, was 80.0.

@Chase_Irons (log) did not track calories yesterday.


@Chase_Irons changed goals. Calories is 3600.0, was 3145.0. Protein is 225.0, was 315.0. Carbs is 495.0, was 235.0. Fat is 80.0, was 105.0.

@Chase_Irons (log) did not track calories yesterday.

Continued here: PricePlow’s Diet Tracking and Accountability Thread - October 2020