Phosphagen Creatine

CGT Max or Creatine Mono would be your next option. You could also look at ATP Evolution is really good.
If you order through our site, hit me up for a discount code😉

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Props to the NutraBio creatine, whose scooper lands on exactly 5.0g for me that it’s kinda scary. 3rd party tested too

Just use a teaspoon to dose your creatine. It’s 5 grams.

5ml isn’t quite the same thing as 5g.

We were talking about grams not milliliters. :slight_smile:

Right, a teaspoon is 5ml.

My creatine scoop is 1.5-2 tsp and still only 3 grams if I level scoop it, I feel like 5g of straight creatine mono is a lot more than a tsp.

A heaping teaspoon is roughly 5 grams. No need to overanalyze this.

I do recall back in the day that EAS used to have a product called Phosphagen - was that what it was?

No not at all. Hi-Tech uses a lot of older, infamous names for products like Phosphagen, Ultimate Orange, Jack’d etc

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Not me, sometimes I use a fluffer :wink:


Ya, Il be honest I’m ok with callbacks but I absolutely hate them using the names of actual drugs in products that aren’t those drugs. They really should get sued for that.