Originally published at: PEScience Peppermint Bark Select Protein Returns for a Limited Time!
It’s the end of October, but PEScience is already gearing up for winter with the return of their limited edition Peppermint Bark Select Protein. In case you’re not familiar with PEScience’s protein powder lineup, here’s what you need to know. PEScience has quite the selection of flavors for Select Protein!.. …(Read more on the PricePlow Blog)
@TheSolution what are your thoughts here
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One of the best flavors they make man.
It is a heavy white chocolate flavor with a peppermint backend. I already grabbed multiple tubs to stock up on. PES Made one run and when its gone its sold out
You can snag a tub with your free shipping at CP with the “Save15” Discount.
HIGHLY suggest it before its gone.
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Ordering now
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