NutraBio's 4th of July FREEDOM Flavors Have Arrived!

Originally published at: NutraBio’s 4th of July FREEDOM Flavors Have Arrived!

NutraBio is running an insane deal: Buy all 3 Freedom Flavors and get 20% off! NutraBio has been incredibly busy the first half of 2020 – they’ve been dropping new products, flavors, and helping out their community through uncertain times. The freedom flavors have arrived but possibly only for a… …(Read more on the PricePlow Blog)


@Kon_Rock - how is Freedom Fetti? That’s a flavor that is right up my alley.

It’s awesome, just like you would imagine. And the perfect texture!

I snagged up all three. With the discount going on plus my military/veteran discount I got all 3 for 70 bucks . Pretty amazing deal and am so curious on these flavors. I’ll report back later


Freedom Fetti utilizes the casein texture and a couple other additives to craetive an ‘icing’ type effect. There are no inclusions in this one (though you’d probably expect them) because of sugar conetnt. This is the perfect flavor for MM because of the blend texture.

Miss American Pie has real apple pieces in it- NutraBio’s been searching for a long time for haelthy inclusions and this is the result. Personally I think their marketing is lacking here, I think the fact that NutraBio is introducing inclusions is a huge deal and needs to be shown more. The apple pieces don’t get soggy like you’d expect in liquid.


for freedom fetti would you say it’s more than your usual vanilla flavoring? As in is it more true to that cake batter type taste

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I’d be down for a yellow cake batter flavor,


The Freedom Fetti is definitely more of a frosted birthday cake flavor. It’s part of the Muscle Matrix line which gives it a thicker texture due to the inclusion of casein.

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That is en route…Looking forward to trying it out…


THIS needs samples available!

Not complaining - y’all are already the best with free samples.


Always down for a good birthday cake. I know Justin (Supplement Snoop) said its his favorite as well.


We’re working on ways to expand our samples in the future so stay tuned!

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I won the instagram giveaway so I can’t wait to try it out plus the other two flavors!! Thank you, you guys are the best!


Congrats! Enjoy! :slight_smile:

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