Nutrabio - Plans to Release a Product or Flavor every week for the next 6 months!

Its gonna be a BIG year at Nutrabio :slight_smile:

Are you guys ready???

Nutrabio - Plans to Release a Product or Flavor every week for the next 6 months!!!


New IntraBlast flavor first I’m guessing

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That’s just insane…

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Our new Grass Fed Whey isolate flavor came out today!

Matcha Latte :slight_smile:

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Excited to see what you guys are bringing! I haven’t tried nearly enough of your all’s brand yet

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Its gonna super exciting and this is as good a time as any to start :wink:

Hit me up if you have any questions!!!

OH i read that wrong last night, I just thought it was flavors coming out each week, but also products (I know it is either/or per week), man that must have taken some serious planning. Amazing. Will each new release have some sort of special tied to it? Will they be limited releases, or permanent? If you can’t tell I am excited for this!!

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Haha, its easy to glaze over.

Not sure what you mean by special ties. But I can say they will be all perment releases.

We are adding 100% to our already tremendous lineup :slight_smile:

Ahh just my crappy typing, I know what I meant in my head…LOL

I meant when products are released will they be released with some sort of discount or special promotion with it?

Your guys’ lineup is going to be HUGE, not that it wasn’t already!

Ohhh yeah no…they will be just released, like normal.

But, I have a discount code…if you like :wink:

I’ll bug you about it once something comes up that I just HAVE TO HAVE!! I luck out you guys already give me a nice Military Discount, so I never really need a discount code :slight_smile:

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Yeah man, anytime and glad to hear you get taken care of with that.

Thank you for you service and anytime you need anything, let me know :slight_smile: