Originally published at: NutraBio Natural Series PRE: Finally, A Great-Tasting Stevia Pre Workout!
Finally, a well-dosed stevia-sweetened pre workout supplement that you can enjoy! NutriBio’s Natural PRE Workout has been debuted, and it’s set to strike alongside another natural series product, Intra Blast. Last year, NutraBio created their Natural Series, launching BCAA Natural and Grass-Fed Whey Isolate. Has someone finally made a fully-loaded… …(Read more on the PricePlow Blog)
if they can get it to taste good using no artificial sweeteners I’ll be impressed. I normally can’t stand stevia stuff
Finally? thought Genius Pre Workout uses Stevia, and “delivers on taste”.
@Dougefresh93 there are several products I have had that have done a good job with Stevia. I think Mike is just using some clickbaity termonology here. Can’t group it all together though We will admit there are other Sevia products that taste good for sure.
@vaughntrue that would be a pretty cool magic trick for sure lol. With that said, I am also not a big Stevia lover… even though products have been getting better. Plus when I tried the Natural Series by NutraBio Ben Kane was staring me in the face like “You Better Like It”! LMAO
The PRE and Intra Blast taste better then our regular products that are sweetened with Sucralose!!!
The Protein and BCAAs Products are out and available now.
We are pumped to hear feedback and getting Beta Samples of PRE and Intra Blast together…be on the look out
good to see ya on the forum, CJ.
@Kon_Rock “better” bold statement, i like it.
Yeah I don’t make it over here much… juggling the other comment threads on all other 100 million social platforms lmao. But I want to do a better job popping in here periodically.
No promises though lol
I’ll make sure you can try it out and see
I think we can double down on this, I can send out samples of our green apple and sweet teas in both natural/artificial as a little taste test pack
I’d be confident in it, I personally prefer our natural green apple and sweet tea right now, and I traditionally can’t stand natural
Now that’s an idea man!!
Natural and Artificial test pack
Hell yeah, awesome idea
Once we produce natural samples I’ll be rolling this out.
@CJ @Mike how do you feel about a head to head artificial vs natural taste test?
I’m sure @Mike will be down! I know I would be I will see Mike here shortly and we can discuss it more.
I’m down for anything anywhere!
Genius Pre has no stims. And I’ve never tried it, I only know that the guys didn’t like Genius BCAA.
no stim but a preworkout just the same… the deliveries on the taste quote is from the product write-up here on PricePlow.
Ahhh Robert must have liked it. Weird we didn’t get a video review up, but if this stuff gets a lot of coverage I’m happy to go in that direction and re-review! I’m not afraid of sucralose, but I’m definitely more of a ‘naturalist’ than CJ is.
Either way, I don’t put stim-free in the same category as NutraBio PRE myself. Stims are bitter, cheap stevia is bitter… so you gotta get some good flavoring to cover some of that up.
natural stims too