New supplement thread

Primeval Expanding their protein with a basic Whey Concentrate (instead of Isolate = Isolit)

Chocolate Milk, Diner Vanilla, and Cookies ‘N Cream.

BOGO50 Intro Deal
$59.99 cost down to $44.99 per 4lb tub


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If executed as well as the Isolit, Cookies 'N Cream could be something special.

What is in first response?

oh but wasn’t she amazing!!!

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Curious as to the formula for Breathe


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Purified air in a bottle…genius!

Applying for patent and trademark right now :joy::joy:

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Interesting that they list calories on the label but no macros to show where they’re coming from.

Aside from that, at least they came out with a unique flavor.


Updated ETA on Cookie Dough Outright Bar 4-6 weeks
Marc stated that on his IG the other day

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First Response contains the following:

Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid) 3000 mg
Vitamin D3 (as cholecalciferol) 50 mcg (2000 iu)
Zinc (as zinc citrate) 30 mg
Copper (as copper bisglycinate chelate [TRAACS]) 3 mg
NAC (n-acetyl cysteine) 600 mg


We’ll be releasing that when the product launches in a few weeks so look out for more information soon!


Animal is fast-tracking their contribution to the immune category

Separate question. I saw that Mark referenced a ‘new pre’ in a blog entry recently. Any update on that and thank you.

Are you referring to the sister company ETHIX? that pump agent they were talking about for Brick and Mortar Stores?

Price Plow has a write up on this on their blog.

Here it is:

Nutrabio delayed some other projects due to the corona virus. Hence the massive push on their immunity line.
They also have Vegan protein flavors in the works (Snickerdoodle, german chocolate cake, lava cake) from their new flavor series on Youtube.

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Immune Now available from Nutrabio


Primeval Labs will be releasing a greens product soon called “Day2Day”

No facts, ingredients or label yet just a name