New supplement thread

and his dumbass claims that you need pixie sticks post-workout is still the apex of broscience.


Or gummy bears…


Or the sugar cookies coming in the mal to your house today :slight_smile:


Isn’t his point that you need simple carbs? I mean give the guy credit for not simply pushing his product for post-workout carbs…I realize not all carbs are equal…

The point is you don’t. Its broscience. That has been debunked 20+ years ago.

Here are just some references. I could list another dozen

For most of us who train with an intra-workout BCAA or pre-workout meal there is stil food overlap as i touched in the other thread, do we need to spike insulin? absolutely not, food is still digesting, aminos are still present, so do we really need simple carbs post-workout not really…

Total calories/macros if meeting your protein/fat/fiber minimums on a daily basis are optimal for your goal.


The postexercise “anabolic window” is a highly misused & abused concept. Preworkout nutrition all but cancels the urgency, unless you’re an endurance athlete with multiple glycogen-depleting events in a single day. Getting down to brass tacks, a relatively recent study (Power et al. 2009) showed that a 45g dose of whey protein isolate takes appx 50 minutes to cause blood AA levels to peak. Resulting insulin levels, which peaked at 40 minutes after ingestion, remained at elevations known to max out the inhibition of muscle protein breakdown (15-30 mU/L) for 120 minutes after ingestion. This dose takes 3 hours for insulin & AA levels to return to baseline from the point of ingestion. The inclusion of carbs to this dose would cause AA & insulin levels to peak higher & stay elevated above baseline even longer.

So much for the anabolic peephole & the urgency to down AAs during your weight training workout; they are already seeping into circulation (& will continue to do so after your training bout is done). Even in the event that a preworkout meal is skipped, the anabolic effect of the postworkout meal is increased as a supercompensatory response (Deldicque et al, 2010). Moving on, another recent study (Staples et al, 2010) found that a substantial dose of carbohydrate (50g maltodextrin) added to 25g whey protein was unable to further increase postexercise net muscle protein balance compared to the protein dose without carbs. Again, this is not to say that adding carbs at this point is counterproductive, but it certainly doesn’t support the idea that you must get your lightning-fast postexercise carb orgy for optimal results.

To add to this… Why has the majority of longer-term research failed to show any meaningful differences in nutrient timing relative to the resistance training bout? It’s likely because the body is smarter than we give it credit for. Most people don’t know that as a result of a single training bout, the receptivity of muscle to protein dosing can persist for at least 24

For us non-endurance athletes, getting carbohydrates immediately after training is less of a concern, especially if you had carbs around the time of training and are eating enough carbs in the course of the day. As a suggestion for how much carbs to eat, Aragon suggests half a gram to a quarter of a gram per pound of ideal body weight. High glycemic index carbohydrates are better at replacing glycogen, but that is not usually a concern for resistance athletes, so the type of carb is not very important, and there’s no evidence that liquid carbs are any better than solids for raising performance or glycogen. There’s also no need to spike insulin after training either by eating high-GI carbs or by eating outrageous amounts of them.


cliffs for Bill


Bring back pre-contest
Still waiting…

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legit had a hour long conference call with Rich and crew last week, and the list of new stuff coming is very long… but it’s on there.


I heard about some of the other things you guys got in the works from Rich himself. Should be a very good year for Gaspari.

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Thank you Bob. You are a scholar and an athlete.

I’ve heard of this product…hmmm…

i didn’t forget you, our 1st batch with the new manufacturer wasn’t up to our lofty standards as far as flavoring, it’s been fine tuned, and it will be out to you shortly.

looks around Who is he talking to?

i owe you a tub of SizeOn


I greatly greatly appreciate that Doug. Look forward to it. Brings me back…(Old School)

Looks like Phil Heath is putting out another go for his supplement line. Phil Heath Labs he calls it

Interestingly enough…the folks at Biotest/T-Nation wrote about this as well…and a concept that I have a tendency to agree with…

Chips Ahoy Ghost is launched!! 2 tubs of that and Burn (Mango) coming…i used the code JAZZY and got 25% off…


i not a fan eating my shake… a DQ blizzard i’m cool with, a shake, nah.

but excited to hear the reviews.

oh and ordered a tub of Burn

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same here but darn thought 20% was the highest discount they had. 2 x ahoy and burn sour green apple.

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