New supplement thread

I’m not scared of fat, but if I can’t even trust Quest to make a candy bar, I sure can’t trust them to make a pizza.


I think the goal is for the keto people out there, not high carb diets.
36 grams of fiber is pretty good.

Yeah that’s a keto/low carb pizza and they’re pushing it to that crowd which is pretty massive nowadays for dieting. That fat content isn’t a big deal especially if the person is low carbing. Fat in the absence of carbohydrates becomes a stronger necessity.

When I was shredding, I went for these cauliflower crusts. They are alright, but you have to remind yourself that you aren’t really eating pizza when you eat these, haha. But with the right toppings, it enjoyed it during my shred.
I recommend Original Italian and Spicy Jalapeno. They also have variety packs, if you want to try several. (also, a 3 pack contains 6 crusts…it’s a little confusing)

Whatever happened to pizza simply being pizza? Same for cookies…potato chips (crisps for those of you in the UK), and popcorn…?

Not shilling a new product or anything - just want to share the chance to win some goodies with you guys in here since this is one of the most happening threads. :slight_smile:


Hey everyone. Been a while !


This should be interesting

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Which OG are they talking about here? The real “OG” that had a little extra “dendro”, or whatever prop blend that came after?

Did they get off probation and realize breaking the law and paying a fine is more profitable then following it? or is this outrage bait?

I am going to pronounce it cruz though.


What…I had a tub of the OG OG Craze about 2 years ago that my manager at a previous employer gave me. I never tried it and still haven’t :slightly_frowning_face: It was a solid brick of the crystal meth that it was :sob:

Also…I reread that, and that sounded really really bad

Yeah…I’ll pass on anything from that company

42g of fat for the whole pizza?

Seriously, I’ll make my own. Low or zero fat cheese makes everything possible. : )

Pequod’s Pan Pizza here in Chicago please and thank you…

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Zero fat cheese??? How ith can you eat that?

Put into your mouth, chew it, and then swallow. :wink:


Too easy…

That’s what she said

My gf never chews it… am I missing out on something here!?



PP 10 character rule and complete sentences rule is ridiculous