Marketing To Millennials | Supplement Industry 2018

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Gary Vee has a pretty good take on this…Go to where they are SnapChat/InstaFace* etc…

*For the Patriots fans on here

Issue is, SnapChat is dying and people keep moving. (This is what happens when Instagram invades your turf).

Anyone who put tons of effort into just one basket is losing.

So you need to be everywhere, and that’s a damn pain for us small brands. But that’s what it is.

CJ has a lot of our stuff handled, while I build out our own ecosystem (which involves this forum) to help connect to power users like yourselves.

Right now I love YouTube for branding. It works perfectly with what we’re trying to do, and hopefully videos like this will become commonplace, as we bring on more and more interesting and smart people.


ATTN Companies,

I am a millennial and you can bounce ideas off me in exchange for money and/or free products. Limited time offer, act now.


Regardless of generation, I believe every company needs to adapt to changing markets and customer wants and needs. Many companies that have been around for years that are closing now failed to adapt. Personally, I like the transparency trend and face of the brand (CEO) on social media. GENXer.

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Idk how I’m just NOW seeing this thread. “Instaface” though lol

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