Grenade Carb Killa Bars - 12 Bars (Jaffa Quake) for $16.79 at! [EXPIRED]

Grenade Carb Killa Bars - 12 Bars (Jaffa Quake) for $16.79 at!

Comment from PricePlow

Is this a major retailer mistake?! Possibly, but if you order it, maybe you can get away with one! Or maybe they’re just expiring soon… but they have the 12 bars priced the same as 1 bar!

Note that we didn’t love these bars nearly as much as many of our readers, which drew the ire of some of our British rivals across the pond.

Deal Criteria for Grenade Carb Killa Bars:

  • Price Per Unit to get on Deals Page: $1.50 per Bar
  • Price Per Unit to generate email blast: $1.25 per Bar

Agree or Disagree with this deal? Leave feedback in a comment below!