Ghost Legend v4 Grapefruit

Ghost Legend V4 Grapefruit


Grapefruit – This is a returning flavor from the vault that dates to 2019.This flavor is sweet, tart, and a touch bitter like if you had an actual grapefruit. There is an underlying sour and tangy aspect to the legend flavor due to how it is sweetened, but it is picture perfect grapefruit juice bottled up into the flagship pre workout from Ghost. If you are looking for a staple daily driver flavor this one fits the bill.


The ghost pre-workout is very light and mixes with ease. Upon shaking 5-10 times it is almost fully dissolved. I tried this product with 1scoop in 8-10oz of water, and each time the taste was strong and pure. Even if you do not have a blender ball I don’t see this giving any issues with clumps or floating particles in your shaker cup.


November 29th
12 AM Central
1 AM Eastern

  • Global Launch -


Per 1 Scoop:
6g L-Citrulline – Pumps, Delay lactic acid buildup
3.2g Beta-Alanine – Recovery and endurance
2.5g Betaine Anhydrous - Power and Performance
100mg Senactiv – Increase V02 Max, performance, recovery
2g L-Tyrosine – Cognitive enhancer for memory, mood, and thinking
1g Taurine – Performance, hydration, and recovery.
1g VitaCholine Choline Bitartrate – Cognitive Enhancer for mood, energy, and extending caffeine half-life.
300mg Natural Caffeine - Natural stimulant providing a steadier rise in energy
195mg Pureway Vitamin C- Antioxidant
100mg Theobromine – Cognitive Enhancer for memory, learning, and thinking
100mg NeuroFactor – Cognitive Enhancer for memory, learning, and thinking
50mg Astragin – Improve uptake of ingredients

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Been waiting for this flavor to return :grin: Would be an amazing flavor to add to the Ghost Energy lineup

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They have better ideas :slight_smile:

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Can’t wait :muscle: