Ghost Legend All Out Merica Pop

Ghost Legend All Out Merica Pop


Merica Pop - Merica Pop is a combination of Blue Raspberry, Cherry, and Lime. From the initial taste, the blue raspberry hits your taste buds, and then you meet the cherry and lime that congeal together. Again, a point I always make but still hold true is Ghost is so good with how they mesh all the flavors together. The way they can utilize multiple flavors and get the ratios right is when they find the happy medium with this flavor. While the bomb pop isn’t over-the-top sweet it has a very good integration of the flavors to seek balance. I personally prefer this one over FazePop due to the extra density of flavor and enhanced Cherry.


The ghost pre-workout is very light and mixes with ease. Upon shaking 5-10 times it is almost fully dissolved. I tried this product with 1 scoop in 12-16oz of water, and each time the taste was strong and pure. Even if you do not have a blender ball I don’t see this giving any issues with clumps or floating particles in your shaker cup.


Wednesday, July 3rd
12 PM Central
1 PM Eastern
** This is a limited edition flavor (LTO)


6g Full Yield Citrulline - Pumps, Delay lactic acid buildup

  • 4.52g L-Citrulline
  • 1.48g Citrulline Nitrate
    3.2g Beta Alanine – Recovery, Endurance, Performance
    2.5g Betaine – Power & Performance
    2g L-Tyrosine – Enhance memory, mood, and focus
    600mg Alpha GPC (Yield 300mg) – Increase focus and mental clarity
    400mg Caffeine
    300mg Caffeine Anhydrous -
    100mg Caffeine Extended Release (zumXR)
    100mg Theobromine – Cognitive Enhancer for Focus, Mood, and Energy
    60 mg Bitter Orange Extract (Synephrine)– Improve learning, memory, and thinking
    50mg Astragin – Improve uptake of ingredients