Ghost Hydration Ocean Water

Ghost Hydration Sonic Ocean Water Review


Sonic Ocean Water - Ocean Water is a mixture of pina colada, coconut, and a sprite soda that has a blue color to it. The initial burst is a mixture of grapefruit, sprite soda, and a luscious pineapple flavor. The unique array of flavors is blistering on your tastebuds as the backend of coconut provides a dense complementing touch. Ocean Water is one of Sonic’s top-selling drinks, and just like Cherry Limeade Ghost decided to bring this flavor across multiple products on their lineup.


Ghost Hydration is very light and mixes with ease. Upon shaking 5-10 times it is almost fully dissolved. I would suggest 1 stick pack per 12-20oz of water. If you want a strong tasting beverage, 10-12oz would suffice, and diluted around 20-24oz. Even if you do not have a blender ball, I don’t see this giving any issues with clumps or floating particles in your shaker cup.


March 26th
** US Only **

Per 1 Stick

Calories – 5
Taurine – 1.5g - (Performance, Recovery, Hydration)
Potassium Citrate – 1.036g (Electrolytes to maintain bodily fluids & recovery)
Magnesium Citrate - 565mg - (Electrolytes to maintain bodily fluids & recovery)
Aquamin – 500mg – (Recovery, Hydration as seen in Ghost Amino)
Sodium Citrate – 323mg - (Electrolytes to maintain bodily fluids & recovery)
Pureway-C – 195mg – (Antioxidant as seen in Ghost Multi & Ghost Pump)
Himalayan Pink Sea Salt – 192mg – (Balance PH levels, Hydration, Improves energy)
Senactiv – 50mg - (Increase V02 max, recovery, and energy)

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