Ghost Greens Pink Lemonade

Ghost Greens Pink Lemonade


Pink Lemonade - Pink Lemonade is a lemonade flavor that is very prominent during the first sip for a greens flavor. Pink lemonade has a different taste than regular lemonade due to the inclusion of cranberry or raspberry additives that give it a citrus fruit-like taste. The zest and tart are just right, this flavor is incredibly refreshing. If you are looking for a very refreshing greens flavor this one fits the bill.


Greens are known to be notorious for clumping and bad mixability. Ghost Greens, on the other hand, does a good job of combating that common problem. When mixed up it does leave some particles and at the bottom of your shaker, but that is going to be inevitable with such a complex Greens formula. The way Ghost can make a large raw active greens profile shows the amount of quality control the company put into formulating this product. I used 1 scoop in around 16-24oz of water, which tends to be a sweet spot for me with most greens powders.


June 28th
12 PM Central
1 PM Eastern


6.64g Combination of fruits and greens

  • 4.3g Greens (Vitamins & Minerals)
  • 2.2g Reds (Health & Wellness)
    100mg Spectra Blend (Antioxidant benefit of Fruits & Veggies)
    2g of prebiotic fiber (Enhance Digestion Health)
    10 billion CFUs probiotics providing (Improve Gut Health)
    ** Clinical 5 Billion-CFU DE111 results in a significant effect on gut microflora
    110mg BioCore digestive enzyme blend (Break Down & Absorb Nutrients)
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