Ghost gamer stim free & new collab

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For those wondering how a non-stim gamer will differ from Focus (As seen with CG series)

Focus has a different ingredient profile.
Let’s look at the difference between the two:
Gamer has NooLVL & Theobromine
Focus had ALCAR, Alpha GPC, and Aquamin

In Both Products:
50mg Astragin - Increase ingredient uptake
Tyrosine, Taurine, Cognizin & is Raw Coconut Powder
Tyrosine in Gamer is 500mg/1000mg (Per 1/2 scoops)
Tyrosine in Focus is 750mg/1500mg (Per 1/2 Scoops)

There is a slight difference in the cognitive enhancer and nootropics between both products. Focus also has Aquamine which helps enhance recovery & hydration.

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I may need one or the other just to comprehend all this.

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