DF - Bluestar ISO-Smooth Chocolate Caramel Protein Review

Thank you to @Adidasshorts for running the giveaway and sending me out a tub of the chocolate caramel ISO-Smooth protein to try and review.

The shipment arrived this morning and I wanted to get this thread started with a few pictures before I use it during my eating window tonight.

Initial thoughts on the supplement facts, very impressed at the 30g of protein yield from the 33g gram scoop (~91% protein) and I would guess pretty much lactose free because of the 0g of sugars listed on the label. Not that I am concerned with lactose but for those who are, this is likely a nice sight to see on a protein label. There is 28 servings in each tub but you could extend that further if you only wanted the more commonly seen 24g to 25g of protein each time.

More to come after some use.

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First off, weighed the scoop last night and a level scoop comes in perfectly at the 33g weight. Well done to Bluestar for including an accurate scoop for this product.

Used some of the powder last night. First I added about half a scoop to my smoothie, which contains another lightly flavored protein powder, a greens powder, a beet root powder and some collagen protein powder. Typically the beet root powder is the strongest flavor of this smoothie. With a half scoop of ISO-Smooth in the smoothie last night, it was strong enough to cover the beet root flavor and made the entire drink taste like chocolate. While the beet root flavor is not bad, having the smoothie taste like chocolate with some added protein is a big plus to me.

Second use of the night was about a half scoop added to my cottage cheese. Mixed perfectly with little effort and added a great flavor. More chocolate than caramel flavor when used this way. No complaints at any point during this type of use.

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Mixed a scoop in some water last night for some “poverty milk” to add to my cereal. Used eight ounces of water in a standard shaker bottle with no cheating blender ball. The mix was almost perfect with only a little debris left on the sides of the shaker. Took a sip before adding to my cereal and it had a nice balance of the chocolate and caramel flavors. Neither one overpowered the other.

After added to my cereal, it gave a nice flavor to the otherwise plain granola while adding some protein as a bonus.

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I love mixing protein in cottage cheese as well :slight_smile: easy snack with plenty of protein

Thank you for the review. We appreciate your honest feedback and incorporating the supplement facts and weighing the scoop. We pride ourselves on quality and it’s nice to see it recognized.

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