DaSlaya vs Pharmgrade EAA

Why I took this: At my tender age of 39, I find that BCAA/EAA supplements work wonders for me when it comes to recovery. I prefer to take mine Intra workout, as that seems to work well for me. Since I have recently decided to try out some MPA supps, I wanted gave Pharmgrade EAA a whirl to see if this could be another great recovery product.


We have a fully transparent label and all the Amino Acids are from the patented Ajinomoto. These are vegan derived so you do not have to worry about the “true” source of your amino’s.

As you can see you get a total of 13g of Essential Amino Acids, with 12g being your BCAAs. That big number of BCAAs is the reason I went with this product, since 10g seems to be a sweet spot for me for most products. The added 1.250g of EAAs are great too! So you do not have to debate which is better in this product since you get both. I also liked the addition of 3g Coconut water (powder form) as this does aid me in hydration.

Jolly Watermelon flavor: Man this was good! Every sip was refreshing, it was not overly sweet and did just taste like a nice watermelon drink. I truly enjoyed the flavor every time I took it.


As you can see with the mixability you get some foaming up top after the shaking, but it does dwindle down pretty quickly. I did not find residue at the bottom of the shaker when I was finished, and this seemed to mix up just fine for me. Now I would shake this before each sip, but I took long breaks in between sips to ensure this lasted my whole workout. So no issues here.

How I took this

I am including the directions label here, because Matt Porter does a good job at explaining three different ways you can take this, depending on your needs and wants. I took 2 scoops (1 serving) during my workout and would take 2 scoops once on rest days.

Overall this worked great for me. This aided in my DOMS recovery and I was never too sore to hit my next workout. I took this in conjunction with CreRiboVol for half the tub and took half the tub on its own, and it seemed to work fine both ways for me.

As with other MPA supps, yes this is expensive. This will run you $49.99 (pre shipping/tax) for 30 servings. That is around $1.67 a serving. I do believe you get what you pay for here, because the dosing is well thought out in here and you are not getting some cheap Aminos. If you have the extra cash then this is worth the price of admission in my opinion.

Closing Remarks
If you can afford it I would recommend this product. I enjoyed my run on this and sipping this during my workouts, and was a little sad when it was gone! MPA offers a military and first responder discount, which is a nice deal if you qualify.

So far I have tried CRV and now this from MPA supps and have not been dissapointed yet. I have Celluvol standing by in the closet which I will run in a month or so when I finish my current run of Vasoblitz. That will be a great comparison!

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Crap I just realized I posted this under Supp Logs not Supp Reviews, is there any way to move this? I am such a NOOB!!


I gotcha man

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Awesome thanks brother!!!